Grove Methodist Church


The Grove Methodist Church Vision Statement:


A multi-purpose sacred space dedicated to God

  • a place that has known brokenness, healing and restoration
  • a flourishing, accessible and environmentally-friendly presence in Retford that can be used every day of the week
  • for worship, learning and caring, service and sharing God’s story.

A people called by God with a story to share

  • inspired by our heritage, grounded in the everyday, but looking to the future in hope
  • intentionally sharing and nurturing faith through worship and service to the local community and beyond
  • blessed with the gift of an historic, multi-purpose building - and using it to bless others
  • supported by Circuit, District and Connexional resources.

Established pattern of life at The Grove by 2024

  • varied programme of Sunday and midweek worship for all ages
  • range of church led groups including weekly lunches, coffee mornings and support for older adults, offering ways for all to explore and grow in faith
  • providing opportunities for prayer and story sharing
  • familiar space to local school children – for events big and small
  • hospitable space where community groups feel at home
  • outdoor green space to engage with the gift of creation
  • support based activities held in partnership with other organisations
  • supporting art and culture – with a diverse mix of concerts and exhibitions
  • a place filled to the rafters for key circuit, civic, ecumenical, school and community events
  • key player in all heritage events and celebrations
  • responding to and addressing needs in the local and wider community
  • ongoing commitment to key Methodist charities, relief organisations and local initiatives
  • actively working for climate justice and a reduction in our carbon footprint.

Visit the Trinity Methodist Circuit website HERE