Support with your applications

BCVS can offer a range of support to guide you through the application process.

You can request a free appointment with one of our Group Development Officers, who will support you to find the funding you need and offer guidance on how to apply.

We are currently updating this page with a variety of resources and templates to further support you as you prepare to submit your bid.

Resource: Bid Writing 

BCVS ran a bid writing workshop on 19th October 2022 with pro bono support provided by Blinkbright with thanks.   

Resources developed by BCVS will also be added below to support groups to develop bid writing skills and increase success rates. 

Video Recording:

The Consortia and Group development self-assessment tool has been developed following to support group development in multiple ways.   It can be used by groups to self identify areas for development and highlights many of the areas groups need to consider and provide details on when applying for funding.   

The tool will be used by BCVS Group Development officers to support discussions with groups about their support needs (new groups may not know what they need to attract funding for example).  

It will also be used by BCVS to develop consortia to apply for funding as a partnership.   Where this is the case a specific link with deadlines and a specification for the work of the consortia will be circulated.   Below is an example for information and use by groups that wish to self-assess.  

If you would like support following a self-assessment or to speak with one of the BCVS group development officers please contact

Logic Model Template:
