Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Involvement Team

Themes: Volunteering
Aimed at: All People
We expect all staff working for Nottinghamshire Healthcare to show a commitment to involving people, listening and responding to people’s experiences and supporting volunteering.

The Trust has an Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Strategy which sets out how we will ensure that we involve people, how we will listen to (and act upon) their views and how we will recruit, train and support volunteers within our services.

We have a dedicated team of people who work in partnership with our service users, carers, volunteers and members to:

analyse and publish all the feedback we receive on our Your Feedback Matters website
support our staff to capture and respond to people’s feedback, and to improve their services as a result

run our two Involvement Centres and volunteering service to recruit, train and support volunteers to play an important role in our services

facilitate the various ways that service users, carers, families, volunteers, members and the public can contribute to how we change, plan and review our services
Area: Bassetlaw

Contact Details

Duncan Macmillan House, Porchester Road

0800 0521415 or 0115 956 0845