Girls Friendly Society (GFS)

Aimed at: Baby & Toddler Age 0-5, Children Age 6-11, Teenagers 12-17, Adults 18+, Women only
GFS is a feminist charity that believes in a society free from gender inequality. We aim to achieve it by providing groups where girls and young women
build friendships, gain confidence and learn that they are unstoppable.

We create a programme of activities designed to develop confidence, self-esteem, emotional wellbeing and resilience.
Then, we recruit and train women volunteers to run those activities in a single gender space.

Our vision is of a world where girls and young women are free to be themselves and feel proud of who they are.

Our mission is to support and inspire girls and young women. We will create spaces where they feel safe and valued, so that they can build strong foundations that will prepare them for life’s challenges.

Our values
In everything we do, GFS will be:


Area: Bassetlaw

Contact Details

Unit 12 Angel Gate
020 7837 9669