Aimed at: All People
Community testing if you don’t have Covid-19 symptoms
Around one in three people have Covid-19 without displaying any symptoms. This means that people may have the virus but are unaware that they are infectious and pass it on without knowing.

Our community testing programme for people with no symptoms - already running in Mansfield and Worksop with new sites coming soon - can help identify people who test positive and support them with self-isolation.

If your job means you can’t work from home, we’d encourage you to go to a community testing site to get a regular weekly test, particularly if you work closely with vulnerable people in a health or caring role, and do not already have access to routine testing through your employer. Vulnerable people include older adults, and those with underlying health conditions (clinically extremely vulnerable), which make it more likely they will become seriously ill due to a Covid infection.

If you have Covid-19 symptoms
If you have symptoms, you should not go to a community test centre, but you should book to get a test via NHS Test and Trace or phone 119.

Community testing
Nottinghamshire Covid-19 vaccination updates
Over 65s

We're calling all over 65s to book their Covid-19 vaccination.

Let’s get your parents, grandparents and loved ones protected - please share as far and wide as possible.

How to book your vaccination
Book online:
Book by phone: 0115 883 4640

Over 70s

If you are over 70 or clinically extremely vulnerable you can also use the National Booking System to book your vaccine appointment, provided you are registered with a GP (so your records can be matched).

How to book your vaccination
Book online:
Book by phone: 119

Please use the website where possible. Phone lines are open between 7am and 11pm seven days a week. British Sign Language, text relay and interpreter services are available.

Covid-19 vaccinations
South African variant of Covid-19
Coronavirus strain
We’ve all been hearing about the new South African variant of Covid-19. This variant is circulating in some areas of the country. All viruses mutate if there is a lot of the virus circulating in the community – it’s how viruses behave. There is currently no evidence to suggest that this variant causes more severe illness, or that the regulated vaccine would not protect against it.

Right now, this variant has not been detected in Nottinghamshire. However, we are monitoring the situation and working closely with Public Health England and other partners on plans to make sure we are ready to swing into action if it is detected. The most effective way to stop the virus from spreading is to carry on following the lockdown rules and remember – ‘Hands. Face. Space.’

Cold weather and Covid-19
Cold weather
The Met Office has forecast that we will experience bitterly cold weather with temperatures much lower than a typical winter. Some people are particularly vulnerable to cold weather and these include:
• older people, especially those over 65 years old and those who are frail or socially isolated
• people with pre-existing chronic medical conditions
• children
• people with cognitive impairment, mental health conditions or learning difficulties
• people living in deprived circumstances such as experiencing fuel poverty
• people experiencing homelessness or rough sleeping
• pregnant women.

Some of these people might also be at greater risk of severe illness from Covid-19, as well as other winter illnesses such as flu. So, it’s more important than ever that you keep well and warm if you fall into these categories or check on any neighbours or family members who may need a bit of extra support. Make a call, or socially-distanced doorstep visit if they live close by, to check they have enough food and drinks and any medicines they need.

Learn more
Latest Covid-19 infection rates for Nottinghamshire
Discover the latest Covid-19 rates per 100,000 in your local area. The Nottingham and Nottinghamshire coronavirus dashboard provides daily updates on the number of cases in each district using data sourced from the Public Health England national dataset. The report is based on daily data up to 5 February.

View the dashboard
Coronavirus dashboard
Area: Bassetlaw