Curling Group - East Markham Village Hall

Themes: Advocacy,
Aimed at: All People

East Markham Village Hall is a busy place, it hosts regular village organisations (some weekly, some monthly, some annually, a few occasionally) and these are listed below for information with contact information. In addition the Village Hall can be privately hired for parties, wedding receptions, private meetings and conferences etc (see separate Tab “Village Hall Hire”). It is also used, when necessary, as a Polling Station for parish, district, county, Police Commissioner and National Elections (usually all day on a Thursday, other events moved to alternative dates).

There are two public spaces – the Main Hall and the smaller meeting room called the Jubilee Room. The private office of the Parish Council Clerk is also housed in the Village Hall.

The Caretaker of the Village Hall (from 1st May 2015) is Mr Kev Micklethwaite, emergency telephone number: *********

Bookings enquiries: Mrs Jean Maskery, 01777 870269

Chairman of Village Hall Committee 2015/16: Stuart Ogle, 01777 871491

Details of regular activities are given below. Inevitably there are occasional changes due to circumstances so it is prudent to check details if you are intending to attend any one of these functions on any particular day.:


MONDAYS: Badminton 7.30-9.30pm (September – April). Contact Tony Bell 01777 871639

TUESDAYS: Visiting Post Office 11.45am-1.45pm, Jubilee Room.

WEDNESDAYS: Mums and Toddlers Group 9.30-11.15am Contact Louise Bett 01777 228272

Hobbies Club Every fortnight, afternoons. Check details with Elaine Lount 01777 870607

THURSDAYS: Kurling 2.00-4.00pm. Contact Mrs Jean Maskery 01777 870269

Cubs 5.45-7.15pm (Term time only). Contact Jan Hind 01777 871654

Badminton 7.30-9.30pm (September – April). Contact Tony Bell 01777 871639





First Thursday each month (except August): 7.00pm East Markham Parish Council, Jubilee Room. Contact Parish Clerk Mrs Wendy Davies 07977 644471.

Second Tuesday each month (except January and February) 7.30pm Gardeners’ Association meetings and talks. The April Meeting is usually the Spring Flower Evening and the July meeting is usually the Summer Flower Evening with seasonal refreshments. Flower evenings commence at 7.00pm to allow time for exhibition of entries. Contact Chairman Stuart Ogle 01777 871491 or Lynne

Second Thursday each month (except ????): 7.30pm Village Hall Committee (including representatives from regular Users).

Third Tuesday each month, (some exceptions) 7.15pm Monthly meeting of the East Markham Women’s Institute. Further details President Mrs Jean Maskery 01777 870269

OCCASIONAL (as advertised).

Village Ventures: Occasional touring arts events (2 or 3 dates per year), as advertised.

Table-Top Sales and Cafe: Occasional Saturdays, as advertised: Set up 9.00-10.00am, trading 10.00am to 12.00 noon, clear by 1.00pm.

Markham Players: theatre productions, as advertised, usually including some presentations of murder mysteries etc and an annual Pantomime for a run of 4 or 5 performances in January.

Quiz nights organised by various associations including clubs, school etc.

Charity Whist Drives on the occasional Sunday, first shuffle at 4.00pm, Admission £2.00 (including refreshments), all proceeds for the benefit of a named charity. Further details available from Graham Hall, Telephone 01777 838868.


“Chilli” Treasure Hunt from clues, usually one Sunday in May/June, Baked potato lunch.

Second Sunday in September: Gardeners’ Association Autumn Show.

First Sunday in October: Apple Day.

Christmas Coffee and Carols: First Saturday in December.

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1st September 2021

Between Tuesday 14th September 2021 and Thursday 16th September 2021, roadworks will be carried out on Beckland Hill, East Markham for the whole length of the road. Anglian Water will be carrying out the work to install a new water connection. For enquiries or any emergencies please contact Bryony Oflaherty on 0283 844 8139/0800 145145 or email Details of an alternative route can be found in the link on this news item.

Click here for a document link

19th August 2021

On 24th August 2021 between 9am and 3:30pm there will be two-way temporary traffic restrictions on Lincoln Road in East Markham. The works will be carried out by Nottinghamshire Highway Works to reset a sunken gully. Any enquiries please contact Alex Cooper on 0115 804 3865, or for an emergency please contact 07929 783561.

17th August 2021
Extraordinary Meeting Cancelled

Please note the Extraordinary Meeting schedule for the 18th August has been cancelled. This has been rearranged to the 26th of August

12th August 2021
Update on the Pavillion (changing rooms) project on the East Markham Sports Field

Further to previous articles, consultations and Council meeting minutes, you will be aware that the Parish Council has been raising funds towards the building of a new sports pavilion shell. It is now at the stage where a loan is required to cover a shortfall. This will enable the project to start by the end of September, in line with the major funder’s criteria.

The Parish Council will be applying to the Public Works Loans Board (PWLB) for a £50,000 loan over 25 years at 1.82% interest (today`s estimated repayment costs); plus a temporary loan of £40,000 of nil interest for 12 months to cover the period before the drawdown of the PWLB loan.

The Parish Council may have to increase its precept to cover some of the loan repayments as well has reduce its expenses where possible. As at today the PWLB repayment rate calculations on the annual repayment figure is £2,498.32 (annuity) or £2,905.00 (EIP).

Please feel free to send us your views, opinions and feedback.

1st August 2021

The Parish Council meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm in the Village Hall. Residents are welcome to attend.

13th July 2021

Please access "Village and Localities" followed by "Village Hall Hire" from the left hand menu to find details about hire rates, facilities and how to book.


Phone Number/Email Address


T 07483 167279 E
Area: Bassetlaw

Contact Details

East Markham Village Hall
Lincoln Road
NG22 0SS
01777 870269