Disability Information Link Bassetlaw

Themes: Learning Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, Public Sector Services
Aimed at: All People
Disabilities information
Nottinghamshire County Council's Adult Social Care and Health Services provide and arrange a range of services to support and care for people with disabilities. These include services that aim to help people live independent lives and services for people who need more help and support.

Visit the Disabilities Pages on their website where you will get information such learning disabilities, physical disabilities and people with sensory disabilities.

Blue Badge
The Blue Badge Parking Scheme allows people to park near shops and other facilities who have walking difficulties or are registered blind. Visit the Blue Badge Scheme page for more information.

Special Access
The Special Access Scheme allows people with particular mobility difficulties vehicle access to pedestrian areas in Nottinghamshire. The traffic and travel pages provide more information on travel in Nottinghamshire including Transport Accessible To All.
Area: Bassetlaw