Early Help Unit - Nottinghamshire County Council

Themes: Advocacy, Children's Health and Behaviour, Children's Mental Health, Children with Learning Disabilities, Children with Specific Health Conditions, Counselling, Families and Children, Mental Health
Aimed at: Baby & Toddler Age 0-5, Children Age 6-11, Teenagers 12-17
The Early Help Unit provides a direct contact point for professionals and families requiring early help services in Nottinghamshire. The Unit acts as a signposting and referral point for Early Help Services but does not directly deliver them.

Specific elements of this service include local Children’s Centres and the Family Service

The Early Help Unit will provide information and advice and will signpost professionals and families on to non-County Council services, as well as accepting referrals on behalf of Nottinghamshire’s County Council early help services.

Any child or young person at immediate risk should be referred to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

Lead professionals seeking direct intervention or looking to step-down at closure for ongoing support should consult the Nottinghamshire County Council Intranet for further guidance.
Professionals looking to make a referral to the Early Help Unit, to access support for Level 2 and 3 needs can use the new online referral form introduced to replace the previous referral element of the Early Help Assessment Form (EHAF), or to request Attendance Enforcement provision
Members of the public can contact the Early Help Unit by:
telephone: 0115 804 1248
email: early.help@nottscc.gov.uk
Specific elements of this service include Children's Centres:

• Universal services including play sessions, health support, & opportunities to train and volunteer.
• More focused support with: challenging behaviour; communication difficulties (Home Talk Programme); mother’s mental health needs; diet & nutrition; domestic abuse; housing and debt issues.
• Parenting programmes & interventions including, Strengthening Families; Incredible Years.

Exclusion Criteria:

Young Carers (of adults) assessment – contact the Customer Service Centre
Child employment and entertainment licensing – contact the Children in Entertainment, Employment and Chaperone Licences team
Welfare rights and benefits - contact the Department of Work & Pensions
Housing moves, repairs or improvements - see Notts Help Yourself
In addition, the EHU and Family Service are unable to support contact sessions
Early Help Interventions:

Are for children and young people who are not at immediate risk. Those at immediate risk should be referred to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Will be led by a lead professional, who will co-ordinate the services involved with the child or young person and their family
Are time limited
Involve a holistic assessment being completed with the child, young person and their family, leading to an action plan
Are reviewed regularly with the child / young person and their family
In addition, the Early Help Unit will provide:

Information and advice for children, young people, families and professionals on early help services in Nottinghamshire
Advise on the completion of the new online referral form introduced to replace the previous referral element of the Early Help Assessment Form (EHAF), and hold a register of completed EHAFs

The opening hours of the Early Help Unit are 9.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday
Area: Bassetlaw