East Markham Village Hall

Themes: Arts and Crafts, Befriending and Loneliness, Families and Children, Parish Councils, Playgroups, Support Groups
Aimed at: All People
The Village Hall is used for parties, meetings, quizzes, theatre productions (pantomimes etc), plus childrens toddler groups, sports such as badminton, volleyball & yoga, also as polling station etc. Meetings include parish council, WI, gardeners clubs etc.
Area: Bassetlaw

Contact Details

East Markham Village Hall
Lincoln Road
NG22 0SS
01777 949288

Themes: Arts and Crafts, Befriending and Loneliness, Families and Children, Parish Councils, Playgroups, Support Groups
Aimed at: All People
The Village Hall is used for parties, meetings, quizzes, theatre productions (pantomimes etc), plus childrens toddler groups, sports such as badminton, volleyball & yoga, also as polling station etc. Meetings include parish council, WI, gardeners clubs etc.
Area: Bassetlaw

Contact Details

East Markham Village Hall
Lincoln Road
NG22 0SS
01777 949288