Hate Crime Reporting - Communities in Control

Themes: Advocacy
Aimed at:
Hate Crime, Communities In Control

Communities Inc has been awarded a grant from the Nottingham Police & Crime Commissioner’s Office, Community Safety Fund to run a project called ‘Hate Crime, Communities in Control’. Our project is designed to strengthen and increase hate crime reporting mechanisms, through community based organisations. When local people experience hate crime they are more likely to have a connection with these organisations and therefore greater confidence in with regards to reporting the incident.

For the last 4 years Nottinghamshire has had no focused hate crime reporting infrastructure which is locally run or managed. The main reason for not having a system is the cut in public funds, but through our existing networks and knowledge of hate crime reporting, we propose to run a pilot initiative that will achieve the following objectives:


Training for up to 20 local organisations in how to record and report hate crime & promote community cohesion
Improve hate crime reporting through local organisations
An increase in the number of hate crime reporting points across Nottinghamshire
Improved handling of hate-crime incidents, leading to greater public confidence
The production of a hate crime reporting manual to be used by 20 local organisations including frontline (mainstream and specialist) third sector organisations, religious groups & public agencies.
Better coordinated reporting, meaning that the Police will be provided with much more accurate information to act upon and to that end more effective preventative measures can be put into place.
Creation of a unique and highly recognisable logo/ brand to be displayed at all reporting centres taking part in this initiative
An end of project conference to disseminate the manual and provide learning from the project to a wide range of stakeholders
Work towards the development of a countywide hate-crime reporting infrastructure, based on local needs, to be established after the pilot using lessons learnt.
The launch event for “Hate crime- communities in control”, held on the 28th November 2o13, was a real success. To see more information and photos from the event, please click here. To see the video from the event, follow this link (credits: Savanna Nolan)

In 2013 Communities Inc. developed the project ‘Hate Crime: Communities In Control’, which was designed to strengthen and increase hate crime reporting through community based organisations. These organisations are often led by people from within the community and a therefore accessible and trusted by local people. Many of these groups address discrimination and inequalities in their day- to-day work and so are ideal,(with support) to be a place where victims of hate crime can go with confidence to discuss their experience and if appropriate get help to report an incident of hate crime to the police.
Area: Bassetlaw

Contact Details

Communities inc
NBV Enterprise Centre

0115 964 8227