
The Directory provides a gateway in to local voluntary and community services, encouraging and promoting self-care for patients and empowering individuals to find organisations, groups and activities that meet their wants and needs.

By encouraging people to navigate the wealth of support services available, we can reduce the pressure on health and care services by connecting the public and patients with quality assured community services.

This is a one-stop-shop for support, information, advice on health & wellbeing related matters and services. Users can quickly search to find the best support available locally to meet their needs by searching via category or specific need or medical condition.

You can add your organisation's details, or add details of a service run by your organisation to the directory.

If you have any other comments, please contact Bassetlaw CVS on 01909 476118 or email:

Displaying 191 - 200 of 232 results.
Service Name Aimed At Summary Area Works In
Shawmind All People Bassetlaw, Bolsover
Shelter All People Home is a human right. It's our foundation and it's where we thrive. Yet, everyday… Bassetlaw, Bolsover
Shirebrook Christian Centre All People Encountering God Sunday – 6pm

P.U.S.H. Thursday – 7pm

Connect Four –…
Shirebrook Leisure Centre All People 5-7 year old's football training group - 4pm-5pm every Tuesday

Parent, baby…
SNAP Youth Children Age 6-11, Teenagers 12-17 The youth workers organise and facilitate community programmes aimed at young people aged between… Bolsover
South Normanton Community Church All People A welcoming village church, part of the Elim network, which meets in the Post Mill centre, South… Bolsover
Step Change Debt Charity - Advice & Money Management All People We have more than 25 years’ experience providing free, expert debt advice. We offer the widest… Bassetlaw, Bolsover
Step into Digital Skills All People If you were one of the people that struggled to access online learning, then this FREE short three-… Bolsover
Stop Loan Sharks All People Report a loan shark
Loan sharks are illegal moneylenders who often charge very high interest…
Bassetlaw, Bolsover
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide Bassetlaw Adults 18+, Older Adults 65+ Peer support service for people bereaved or impacted by a suicide loss. Meets monthly on the last… Bassetlaw, Bolsover