
The Directory provides a gateway in to local voluntary and community services, encouraging and promoting self-care for patients and empowering individuals to find organisations, groups and activities that meet their wants and needs.

By encouraging people to navigate the wealth of support services available, we can reduce the pressure on health and care services by connecting the public and patients with quality assured community services.

This is a one-stop-shop for support, information, advice on health & wellbeing related matters and services. Users can quickly search to find the best support available locally to meet their needs by searching via category or specific need or medical condition.

You can add your organisation's details, or add details of a service run by your organisation to the directory.

If you have any other comments, please contact Bassetlaw CVS on 01909 476118 or email:

Displaying 61 - 70 of 232 results.
Service Name Aimed At Summary Area Works In
Dementia UK All People Dementia UK provides specialist dementia support for families through our Admiral Nurse service.… Bassetlaw, Bolsover
Derbyshire 50+ Forums Older Adults 65+ 50+ Forums
Giving Derbyshire’s 50+ community a voice.

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Derbyshire Community Transport All People We offer individual transport services for shopping, lunch outings and day trips, a one-time… Bolsover
Derbyshire Connect Travel All People Provides door to door transport to health appointments for people unable to use conventional buses… Bolsover
Derbyshire Unemployed Workers' Centre All People The Derbyshire Unemployed Workers’ Centres has gained a fine reputation for the services we provide… Bolsover
Diabetes UK All People Diabetes UK is the leading charity for people with diabetes in the UK. We champion the rights of… Bassetlaw, Bolsover
Direct Help & Advice All People Direct Help via specialist advice, advocacy and representation for families and individuals facing… Bolsover
Do-It - National Volunteering Database All People Do IT is one of the top platforms signposted to through guidance on how to help safely. Do… Bassetlaw, Bolsover
Doe Lea Resource Hub All People Unfortunately due to the current lockdown we are unable to hold our regular sessions. Here's a… Bolsover
Eating Disorder Support All People Support on the journey to recovery from an eating disorder
Eating Disorders Support is an…
Bassetlaw, Bolsover