Area 51 Martial Arts - WAKO Cadet World Championships

12th October


One week ago we took 8 kids from our club in Bolsover (plus one more from Birmingham) to Italy, to the WAKO Cadet World Championships.

WAKO are an Olympic Committee recognised organisation for Kickboxing and this is a very prestigious competition. 

63 countries entered. 

Our kids brought back 5 X Gold Medals, 2 X Silver Medals, and 3 X Bronze Medals. We are so very proud of them. What a great success for Bolsover! 

This week they have faced challenges and pressures, shown resilience and determination, been an incredible team to one another, and we want to celebrate these wonderful kids!

I wanted to share our success story with you, as we so often hear negative news stories about young people in Bolsover. 

These young people volunteer their time to help other children at our club, they do free Taster sessions at community events to encourage other children into physical activity, they perform at community events, all on top of their own training. 

And finally, Chiana Lukas (14), one of the team, has just won the Regional award for Engaging Women and Girls as part of the StreetGames Inspiration Awards 2022. We are so proud of her. 

It seems there is no end to these kids' talents!