Bassetlaw Action Centre Team Score A Hat Trick Of Awards

27th October



Bassetlaw Action Centre has recently received the Get Out Get Active (GOGA) Embedding Inclusion Award at the recent GOGA awards ceremony in Birmingham.  This is in recognition of the involvement of Bassetlaw individuals in becoming more active.  This is not about joining a gym but is aimed at people with mental and/or physical health or with a long-term condition to become more engaged in regular activity and covers walk talk groups through to playing tennis. It has been instrumental in reducing social isolation amongst participants. 

In addition, Bassetlaw Action Centre won the value for money award at the Health and Care Awards for the Promoting Independence project which supports patients on discharge from hospital. The awards Ceremony took place at Nottingham University and the award was presented by Dr Kathy McLean, Chair of the Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board.

Last, but not least, the Action Centre has also been nominated for a National Award by the Community Transport Association for the Community Transport Provider of the year 2023.  There are 3 finalists in the category and the winner will be announced in November at the awards ceremony at Birmingham NEC.

Achieving or being nominated for these awards confirms how the Action Centre really does make a difference throughout Bassetlaw and values the work and support of its staff and volunteers to meet the need of its service users.

Lynn Tupling, BAC Chief Executive said “I am so Incredibly proud of my staff and volunteers for being

recognised for their hard work, commitment and determination at both system and national level. These awards mean so much to us and demonstrate clearly the quality services provided by Bassetlaw Action Centre”.