Bassetlaw Museum - The Queens Platinum Jubilee

22nd April 2022


The Queens Platinum Jubilee is this year, and Bassetlaw Museum in association with Retford Business Forum and Bassetlaw District Council are creating a wall of Royal Memories! This is a lovely reminiscence activity. The Museum also have a very limited number of recording devices and a Royal Family Handling box that are able to be borrowed. Please get in touch if you are interested!

We need your memories!  Bassetlaw Museum wants to create and Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Memory Wall.  Did you have a Silver Jubilee Street party? Have you ever met the Queen? Helped at a royal event, maybe?  Would you share a memory?  If so, please email the museum on so we can talk to you or send us a message via social media.

Were you there when the Queen visited Worksop in 1981?  Do you have any special memories of the day?  Bassetlaw Museum is creating a Memory Wall for the Platinum Jubilee.  Could you share a memory? If so, please email the museum on so we can talk to you or send us a message.

In 1968 Queen Elizabeth II visited Worksop College.  Perhaps you or a member of your family was there. You might even have a photo.  Would you share your story with Bassetlaw Museum for the Platinum Jubilee Memory Wall?

Please find attached a form to write the memories in, but any format will do! There is also a poster for you to display to encourage people to participate. As the date is fast approaching we would ask that all submissions could be in by Weds 27th so they can be added to the wall. This will be on display at the Town Hall during the celebrations on the 2nd June.