Bassetlaw Place-Based Partnership - August News

30th August




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Mental Health Bassetlaw


Mental Health Month - Show Your Support





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August Newsletter





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We are inviting and encouraging all partners and local organisations to join us in highlighting the mental health support available in Bassetlaw during our 30 day mental health awareness campaign.

Please visit our dedicated webpage for resources, information, suicide awareness training and social media assets.


Mental Health Awareness Campaign 2024





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Upcoming Events


Please share, attend, and promote the following events where possible.





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Bassetlaw Focus on Farmers

Open Evening

10th September 2024

All farmers and rural residents are welcome.


Bassetlaw Focus on Farmers



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Worksop Multicultural Festival

14th September 2024

An event for everyone to celebrate all cultures.


Bassetlaw Multicultural Association




More events are listed on our Mental Health Campaign events page HERE





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Other News





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In Sam's Name have been successful in obtaining funding from the UK Government, with thanks to Bassetlaw District Council and Bassetlaw Community and Voluntary Service 

to set up a mental health Podcast.

They are hosting a "Podcast Planning Meeting" this Thursday at The Edge (Kilton) for anyone interesting in being part of the Podcast team. All Welcome!

If you have an idea for funding at your charity or group, a new round of this funding has just opening - details below.



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Please continue to share health messages on the subject of staying safe in the sun, as a heatwave has been predicted in September.


Bassetlaw Cancer Information Hub






A Level and GCSE Results 


Congratulations to all Bassetlaw students on your fantastic A-Level and GCSE results! Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off. 

However, if your results were not what you or your child expected, remember that support is available. 

The Bassetlaw Peace of Mind Toolkit is a great resource for initial advice and guidance if you're fee


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ling anxious or worried. 

No matter your results, we believe in your potential to achieve amazing things in the future. 

Keep moving forward!



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Also - Don’t forget - please share  this with and parents you work with.

You must let both Child Benefit (via HMRC) and Universal Credit (via the to do list in your account) know if your 16 year old is staying in education or you risk losing the benefit.
The deadline for both is 31st August





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© Augsust 2024. Bassetlaw Place-Based Partnership