Bassetlaw Shared Prosperity Fund

8th July


BCVS has been actively engaged in the early discussions regarding development of a Shared Prosperity Fund Bassetlaw Investment Plan which started formally at a meeting on 4th July.    This will be followed up by a series of meetings throughout July.

We have welcomed the partnership approach being used to development of the Bolsover Investment Plan.   It is positive to see that BDC continues to be supportive of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector and has arranged a separate SPF VCSE session on 13th July to canvas feedback from a range of Bassetlaw VCSE organisations.

SPF funding of £3.3m will be made available to Bassetlaw following approval of a Bassetlaw Investment Plan which will be developed throughout July.     The investment plan will confirm which from the UK Government the menu of possible interventions have been selected as priority for Bassetlaw.  

Through discussions with wider sector colleagues BCVS has already flagged that E9 under priority one and E35 under priority three reflect significant needs across the VCSE sector, particularly as our recently published Bassetlaw State of the Sector report shows a 38% reduction in volunteering linked to COVID. 

If you have any views that you would like BCVS to feed into ongoing discussions on your behalf please let us know on  by 12th July in time to be fed into the next stage of planning.