The Big Poppy Knit at Clumber Park - Invitation for your organisation to get involved!

22nd July 2022


We warmly invite your organisation or group to take part in a fantastic community project, 'The Big Poppy Knit' at Clumber Park.  

To help us remember the fallen and your own loved ones, we are creating a huge, knitted poppy display in The Chapel of Saint Mary the Virgin at Clumber Park in November 2022.  We need our local communities to help us achieve this and we hope your organisation can help us make as many poppies as we can, at home, after work or during your group activities!

We ask that all poppies are made in a shade of red and are either knitted, crocheted, or felt work. Each organisation, school and group who participate will be included in our onsite interpretation in November, with a chance to come and visit our (hopefully) huge installation.  The deadline for groups to submit homemade poppies is Saturday 1 October 2022.  We can also organise collection with notice if this is more convenient.

So please, help us promote this to your friends and families within your local community, who may have a connection or a real love for Clumber Park.

If you would like more information on how to get involved or would like to arrange a visit from the team, please contact Claire Sarris at or by calling 01909 511081.