BIHR Free Human Rights Awareness Raising Workshops: Applications Closing Next Week!

20th January



Calling all community groups and organisations supporting people accessing or trying to access public services! At BIHR, we believe in building sustainable human rights knowledge in communities, as a means of creating and organising grassroots power. We are offering free online “Awareness-Raising Workshops” for your community or voluntary group.

The 90-minute workshops will offer:

  • A chance to learn more about the practical use of the Human Rights Act
  • How the legal duties and rights can be used to challenge the social injustice and disadvantage that your organisation is seeking to change
  • Interactive, participatory learning  
  • Case studies and real-life stories relevant to your organisation and the people you support

You can apply by filling in our application form. It asks for more information about your organisation, and why you feel your members or the people you work with would benefit from it. The deadline to apply is Friday 27th January


Click here for more information