Bolsover Partnership - Bolsover Skills & Employment Partnership - Multiply programme in Derbyshire

8th June



You may be aware that the Government has identified that 17 million adults in England - half of the working-age population - have everyday maths skills roughly equivalent to those expected of a primary school child (Entry Levels) which compares poorly as it is below the average of the OECD average and behind countries such as Japan, Germany and Canada.   

Through Multiply, the Government want to see local areas invest in meaningful participation that boosts people’s ability to use maths in their daily life, at home and work – and enable adults to achieve formal qualification that can open doors for them (such as into a job, progression in a job, or progression to further study).  Adults, over the age of eighteen, who need to improve their numeracy (up to, and including, Level 2 or equivalent) will be able to access free flexible courses that fit around their lives – whether that be in person or online, at work or in the evening, part time or intensive. Your contact details have been given me by Vicky Smyth as someone who will be able to distribute this short survey to some of your key partners to ask for feedback by the submission date of 30th June 2022.

The Department of Education (DfE) have asked Derbyshire County Council to act as lead for the delivery of Multiply locally with Derbyshire have been awarded £3,763 million over the next three years.  The Council is in the process of developing an outline three-year investment plan to tell them what are our local priorities for delivering Multiply locally.   Once the investment plan has been approved by Government, then we will be able to have more detailed discussion about delivery with interested parties.

This short survey/expression of interest should be completed by the 17th June 2022.