Bolsover Update

15th February 


Aspiration Working Group on 27/2/22

Thank you to everyone who took part in the working group, we had some challenging and fruitful conversations about moving on the work and the current status of the system within Bolsover District. The information and notes from the jamboard have been collected and included on the attached document. I have also attached the full version of the maturity model as was requested by a few members of the group. 

Some members of the group have volunteered to join a conversation about carrying out some work in particular places within the district and we will be organising this soon. If this is something you would like to help with then please let me know as soon as possible. 


What does 'aspiration' mean to us? 

It is important to remind ourselves of how we got to this point and the conversations which led to the focus of the work. The mapping sessions with Pauline and the conversations that followed came about from a starting point around poverty and inequality. This is what led us to 'personal aspiration'; how this impacted on poverty and inequality; and the reasons it was important to the citizens of Bolsover District. 

The group went on to identify what this means in relation to our work. The main points were: 

  • Ambition of achieving
  • What people need to better their lives
  • Being the best version of yourself
  • Stretching what you believe is possible 
  • Expectations from others
  • Dreams & hopes of what you want to do 
  • Moving to a position of believing you can do better 

These points will be referred back to regularly to help keep the work on track moving forward. 


Timeline / Communicating Progress

We have created this timeline of the work so far which captures some of the major milestones and includes important documents and information:

Hopefully this will serve as a useful reminder of what has happened so far and also help people who are new to the work. This will be added to and developed further over time. 

We are also in the process of making a video which will demonstrate this. We will be asking partners to contribute to this so please get in touch if this is something you would like to be involved with. 

These points will be referred back to regularly to help keep the work on track moving forward. 


Online Space 

We have previously discussed that it would be useful to have an online space to continue with the work between meetings and we should have this in place fairly soon. This will allow us to have conversations, share information and collaborate in a different way. We will provide further details on soon. 


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see below for the Working group notes and the Systems Maturity