Can you share your photos of hope?

19th August


We’re inviting residents to submit photos for an exhibition as part of the international suicide prevention theme of ‘Creating Hope Through Action’.

This virtual exhibition explores themes of hope and what this means to different people to help:

  • reduce stigma around talking about suicide and self-harm,
  • show that suicide can be preventable,
  • show that there can be hope.

Photos can be of anything that makes you feel hopeful. This might include scenery, animals, places, pictures of poetry/paintings or other work that you’ve created.

You can also tell us what the photo is and how it makes you feel hopeful to be included in the exhibition to show what inspires hope. You can include this information on the consent form.

Photos will be shown online on Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).

We’ll let you know where and when you can view your photo and the full exhibition prior to it going live.

Photos sent in might be used for other events in the future such as physical exhibitions. You have the right to withdraw your photo at any point.

If other people are featured in the photos, please make sure you have their permission to use their image. If they are under the age of 16, you need their parents/guardian’s permission.

To send us a photo you need to:

  • Be 18 years or over,
  • Be a resident of either Nottingham City or Nottinghamshire County (we can check this from your postcode if you’re not sure),
  • Have taken the photo yourself,
  • Get the agreement of any people in the photo that they are happy for it to be used.

This isn’t a competition so all photos will be used unless someone may be harmed by it.

Suicide and self-harm can be a difficult topic. Please keep yourself safe and seek support if you need it. You can get support from the following organisations.

If you are at risk of immediate harm, please call 999 or visit A&E.

Please send your photos and consent to by Monday 29th August 2022.