Care Quality Commission: October 2022

21st October 

care quality commission



Our update for local and regional stakeholders with an interest in health and social care                                             


October 2022

Gridlocked health and care system leading to deterioration in people’s access to and experience of care

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CQC’s annual assessment of the state of health and social care in England looks at the quality of care over the past year.  

This year – based on CQC’s inspection activity, information received from the public and those who deliver care alongside other evidence – the assessment is that the health and care system is gridlocked and unable to operate effectively.  

Read the report and news story. 



State of Care launch event - live stream

The event will start at 10am on Friday 21 October. Watch the live stream from our YouTube homepage. 

Systems review: 4,000 voices

Ipsos have conducted a study on behalf of CQC. They interviewed 4,013 people aged 65 years and over, living in England in May and June 2022, who used health and social care services in the last six months.

The questionnaire covers the use of health and social care services, experience when accessing these, waiting lists for health services or a care assessment, as well as social networks.

Quotas were set by age, gender and Integrated Care System (ICS), and data were weighted to be representative of the population of people aged 65 and over living in England.

Read more.

State of Care resources

Other State of Care resources include data appendices and an easy read version of the report.

View the resources.