Celebrating Bassetlaw: Three Bassetlaw Organisations reach the finals of the Nottinghamshire NHS Health and Care Awards

Celebrating Bassetlaw: Three Bassetlaw Organisations reach the finals of the Nottinghamshire NHS Health and Care Awards

Three voluntary organisations from  Bassetlaw were shortlisted for NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Health and Care Awards at the  ceremony and presentation of awards which took place on Tuesday evening  at The University of Nottingham.

We are delighted to announce that the Bassetlaw Food Insecurity Network (BFIN), which iscoordinated by BCVS, won the “prevention award” category for their collaborative efforts  to  address the critical issue of food insecurity and sustainability locally. With initiatives including  food hubs, slow cooker courses, and social eating events BFIN and partners have enabled local people  to access affordable food whilst also saving xxx tons of food from landfill

Stephanie Henry, BCVS, was the lead for the BFIN from its inception until August 2023, and was instrumental  in supporting and coordinating the network. 

Stephanie attended the awards on Tuesday evening and said:

“As former Coordinator it is an honour for the Bassetlaw Food Insecurity  Network to be recognised as winners of  this award. The hard work and commitment of all partners in helping as many residents as possible across Bassetlaw has been truly inspiring. Many thanks go to all the organisations involved, and every volunteer that has played an integral part in all projects taking place.

Special thanks go to Nottinghamshire County  Council, Bassetlaw District Council, our NHS Place Based partners, Fareshare and Feeding Britain for funding and supporting such an important programme.  ”

In the “Value for Money award” category, Bassetlaw Action Centre also earned a place on the shortlist and are thrilled to say that they were also winners. Their dedicated work in promoting independence has empowered local residents to lead more independent lives.

Lynn Tupling, CEO, Bassetlaw Action Centre, said:

“We are absolutely delighted to have been chosen as the winners for the Best Value award at the Health and Care Awards 2023.  This means so much to our organisation and to the incredible staff that are so deserving of this recognition, particularly because their focus is always on achieving the best possible outcome for the patients they serve.  I am so grateful to have this wonderful accolade and equally grateful to have such an amazing team

Also on the shortlist, was the Oasis Community Centre, whose commitment to equity secured them a slot in the Equity category. Their constant efforts to champion inclusivity and ensure that every member of our community feels welcome is evident in everything they do.

Steve Williams, Manager of the Oasis Community Centre said:

“It was an honour to be shortlisted for this great award alongside other worthy contenders. Congratulations to all those who won awards. We are really proud to be one of the projects considered for an award.  People's mental and physical health and wellbeing is so important and at Oasis Community Centre everyone is treated with dignity, fairness, kindness and compassion no matter who they are, where they are from or what their needs are.”

It is a proud moment for everyone in Bassetlaw  to see the recognition of our great local voluntary and community organisations and projects  and we know that there are hundreds of charities doing amazing work every day in Bassetlaw and making the lives of local people and our communities better for everyone

If you want to make a difference in Bassetlaw, please consider volunteering. Many groups and charities are in urgent need volunteers at the moment and if you’ve been thinking of volunteering now is the perfect time to offer your support.

If you are interested in volunteering, please email involve@bcvs.org.uk, visit www.bcvs.org.uk/volunteer or call 01909 476 118.