CommuniTEA on tour

16th September


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Monday 12th September saw a collaborative piece of work within the Bassetlaw Food Insecurity Network (BFIN) between Rhubarb Farm and The Oasis in Kilton. The event, called CommuniTEA on tour saw 70 people locally within Bassetlaw, coming together for an evening of socialising and a two course evening meal for just £1. All the food cooked for the evening is provided by Fareshare Midlands, another member of the BFIN, meaning, the food would otherwise go to landfill. The project is aimed to support people socially whilst helping with the cost of living and stopping of food waste.

If you would like to explore hosting a social eating event in your location please contact Stephanie Henry on 07513 721657 or by email to

The CommuniTEA on tour booked for Monday 19th September will not be going ahead due to the sad passing of Her Majesty the Queen. We are exploring an alternative date in the future.