Community Leaders - Thank you for your time and feedback!

30th February


Your valuable input has played a pivotal role in shaping outcomes for producing health messaging that will be shared throughout your local community.

We aim to make these messages feel bespoke, with a sense of value within communities to encourage continued sharing of vital information.

Taking into account various barriers, (Language/ time capacity/ too much and too generalised information) it has become evident that creating community-tailored health messaging is imperative.

Here’s what we have in mind:

Short Health Awareness Video: Including localised information to engage and educate.

Posters: Delivering localised information through visually impactful posters.

Digital Updates: Expressing gratitude and keeping communities informed about current events, acknowledging community Involvement and showing appreciation.

We would love for our communities to be actively involved in the creation and sharing of health messaging.  Your involvement is key to ensuring the success and relevance of these initiatives.

Can you help with creation and sharing of tailored health messaging?

Your involvement can take various forms, such as:

Local Insights:

Continue to share your knowledge of local health concerns, cultural and community preferences. This will ensure that our messages resonate effectively.

Content Development:

Contribute to the creation of short health awareness videos, engaging posters, and informative digital updates. Your creativity will play a vital role in making the messages compelling and relatable. Whether it's help shaping short health awareness videos, designing posters, or contributing to digital updates, your involvement in content development is crucial. Your creative and personal touch will help share messages effectively and leave a lasting impression on the community.


Do you have narratives that convey health messages in a relatable and engaging manner. Stories have a powerful impact and can help drive the message home.

Spread the Word:

Act as an advocate for our initiative within your community. Encourage others to get involved


Provide constructive feedback on content drafts. Your insights will be valuable in refining the messaging to ensure it aligns perfectly with the needs and preferences of the community.

Click here to provide your details