DAAS April Newsletter and Breakfast with DAAS

20th April



Breakfast with DAAS

We wanted to tell you about our next Breakfast with DAAS on the Thursday 28th April at 9.15am. We will be joined by STAND TO who are talking about the projects they run to support Derbyshire Military Veterans. On leaving military services many veterans go on to be very successful in Civvy Street but some really struggle. Although initially a project focusing on alcohol problems Stand To have now got a number of projects support veterans in all aspects of life. Tune in at www.daas.uk.com/breakfast Thursday morning for 30 mins to learn more. A flyer with details and calendar link are attached


Also Below is the April Training Newsletter from DAAS with information about Stress Awareness Month and dates and content of our courses including testimonials from previous learners. Remember, all our courses are free to people supporting residents of Derbyshire