Derby & Derbyshire VCSE Alliance - Moving Forward Together 26 June

31st May



Book now - places are filling fast 


Derby & Derbyshire VCSE Alliance with Joined Up Care Derbyshire’s Chief Executive Chris Clayton and Chair John Macdonald

A free, friendly and informal opportunity for voluntary organisations, community groups, social enterprises to come together with public sector colleagues to:

  • Learn what opportunities the Integrated Care System offers the VCSE as a partner within the ICS
  • Connect with people and organisations from all sectors
  • Share what you do and what you know about local people and communities
  • Have your say about what the VCSE needs to be an effective partner in Joined Up Care Derbyshire
  •  Explore and shape how we can work together to help people live well, stay well and age well
  •  Launch a new Partnership Agreement that sets out the cultures, behaviours and activity necessary to make partnership work

The Integrated Care System sets out a new, expanded role for the VCSE sector as a core partner. A lot of work has been going on locally to make this happen – however this will be the first occasion we’ve had to bring together Derby & Derbyshire VCSE organisations together with partners across the system to take stock of how we move forward.

 Discussions will include:

  • Investment in the VCSE sector – opportunities and barriers
  • Building the VCSE workforce
  • Community engagement – insight and influence
  • The 3 key areas of focus for Derby & Derbyshire’s Integrated Care Strategy: Start Well, Stay Well and Age Well/Die Well

More than half of the places at this event have been booked already so book early to be sure of a space.

To book go to: 

For more information email: