Derbyshire Parent Carer Voice Refresh and Renew Summit

14th February



Friday 1 March 10.30am -12.30pm


Derbyshire Parent Carer Voice is delighted to announce that following a review of the current forum set up, our trustees feel that it’s time for change. Our strategic vision is to create a new consortium model - a forum made up of:

            · lots of different SEND groups from across Derbyshire

            · more parent carers

            · schools and

            · professionals all working together.

We’d like to invite you to join our online Derbyshire Parent Carer Voice Refresh and Renew Summit on Friday 1 March 10.30am -12.30pm.

We want to hear your ideas about how we can capture the voice of more parent carers with children and young people with SEND by creating:

            · a new operational steering group

            · exciting volunteer roles and

            · training opportunities for parent carers.


Please click here to book your place