Desrbyshire Dialogue - 27 April 2022

20th April



Just a reminder that the next Derbyshire Dialogue is taking place on Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 27 April 2022 1.00 – 2.00pm

The focus of this session will be on the current elective care waiting list position, the work being done to ensure patients are receiving diagnosis and treatment as quickly as possible and how we are keeping patients updated during the time they are waiting. We will also feedback on how we monitor the performance across the elective care programme and how we are starting to look at inequalities across the population in Derbyshire in relation to the waiting list positions.

We’d really like this to be an interactive session and to have a quality conversation with you, listen to your thoughts and ideas about the approach, and explore the different ways in which you can be involved or ideas you have for us to develop the Planned Care programme. We are especially keen to hear how you feel we need to keep patients informed and how we can help you to manage your symptoms whilst you wait.

The speakers will be:

  • Sharon Martin – JUCD Planned Care Senior Responsible Officer/Chief Operating Officer at University Hospitals Derby and Burton

To book your free place at this session please click here: Planned Care Derbyshire Dialogue
To find out about more ways to get involved please take a look at the Joined Up Care Derbyshire website, Get Involved area:

If you have any questions about this Derbyshire Dialogue please do not hesitate to contact us on Please feel free to share this invite with any colleagues or groups you think may be interested in joining us. As ever the session will be recorded for those who are unable to attend.