Early Help questionnaire

13th June



The government sets out that early help is not a single service; it is a system made up of a network of services, processes and interactions that aim to help children, young people and families at the earliest opportunity. Improving this system requires clarity of what success looks like, shared across a range of partners, and informed by the voices of managers, practitioners and families.

Each year, the government requires Local Authorities to develop an Early Help System Guide. The Guide is intended for the local strategic partnership responsible for the Early Help System.

The Guide provides a self-assessment tool to support discussion, reflection and action planning against key areas that influence the effectiveness of Early Help. It does not dictate what needs to be done; but is a dynamic tool designed to focus the system on common goals, and progress towards these. Reflections with partners and communities on the Early Help System Guide should lead to an improved local early help strategy which, in turn, will help your local partnership improve families’ outcomes and reduce demand on acute services.

There are 5 key areas of focus within the Early Help System Guide:-

Family voice and experience

Looking at feedback from families and its role in design, governance and quality assurance. Also looks at families’ experiences of navigating local services in order to get help.


Looking at whole family working across people facing public services using a shared framework.


Looking at improving the connectivity between the voluntary, community and independent sector and early help activity. This also focusses on how capacity is built within communities.


Looking at whether there is a senior strategic group accountable for the Early Help System, and also the culture of using evaluation and evidence to inform developments. 


Looking at the use of shared data to inform the Early help System, as well as accessible case management systems.

The Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing (DLUCH) have asked for local authorities to return their completed Early Help System Guide by 1 July.

As the timescale for submission is quite short, we are asking partners to complete an online version of the Early Help System Guide. We will then collate all of the responses provided and submit a single response on behalf of the partnership. 

The form which can be viewed here:- https://forms.office.com/r/0AY3W2RF62

The deadline for responses is 26 June 2022. Analysis of responses will be undertaken during week commencing 27 June, and the form will then be submitted to the Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing on 1 July.