Feedback and next steps from the PBP Event on 5th September.

27th October


Message sent on behalf of Dr Kathy Mclean, chair of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB

It was wonderful to see so many colleagues from across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire at the place-based partnership event at Mansfield Civic Centre last month. I want to thank you for making the time to be there on the day and for sharing so many inspiring stories and ideas from the work you do to support and empower people living in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. The energy and enthusiasm in the room palpable and I do hope that everyone was able to take some positive learning and inspiration from the day.

It was clear on the day that while there is good practice across our system, there is still much to do to ensure we have community empowerment embedded within the work of our place-based partnerships and our Integrated Care System. I was struck by the number of examples given by colleagues working in the voluntary sector, who have clearly been at this for a long time, and have shown how community empowerment can sit at the heart of our work in health and care.

In health we talk a lot about engagement, however I believe there is much we can learn from our voluntary sector colleagues to move from ‘engagement’ to ‘empowerment’. I have asked our place-based partnership leads to facilitate linking the voluntary and community sector organisations in each place to the ICS Voluntary Sector Alliance. This is with a view to developing the dialogue between system and place  to understand how we build on the learning and good work already taking place in our system, and make sure that community empowerment sits at the heart of the work we do in our place-based partnerships. The PBPs will also be building on the dialogues specific to their area which took place on the day and taking action relevant to their places.

In the meantime, if you are interested to learn more about any of the work that you heard about from our place-based partnership colleagues or would like to talk further about anything else from the day, please contact the PBP Programme Director in your area.

Bassetlaw –

Mid-Nottinghamshire –

South Nottinghamshire –

Nottingham City –