Feeding Britain Updates: Good Practice, Government Consultation, Training, and more!

16th August

Upcoming Webinars: 


19th September, 10.00-11.00am – Ankose CIC Zoom Session - From September, we are holding regular Zoom sessions with Colin at Ankose CIC to hear their updates, discuss logistical questions and for you to provide feedback on how things are working. The next of these Zoom sessions will be on 19th September 10am to 11am. You can sign up to attend that Zoom session here: https://forms.gle/Xagj3KsteEhwK9U97

26th September 2024, 3.30-5.00pm - Working towards financial sustainability for affordable food clubs - You can sign up to attend or receive a copy of the recording here

17th October 2024, 4.00-5.30pm - The Children’s Kitchen Online Sessions: Child Led Food Exploration. The Children’s Kitchen approach focuses on child led, open ended food exploration using fresh produce. We will share ways to embed this with young children and ideas for how to put it into practice while still considering food waste and being mindful of cost. You can sign up to attend or receive a copy of the recording here.

24th October 2024, 4.00-5.00pm – An Introduction to In Kind Direct - You can sign up to attend or receive a copy of the recording here

7th November 2024, 3.30-5.00pm – Food Supplies for Affordable Food Clubs - You can sign up to attend or receive a copy of the recording here

28th November 2024, 3.30-4.30pm – An Introduction to The Alliance for Dignified Food Support and their Dignity Toolkit - You can sign up to attend or receive a copy of the recording here.


I usually send out the webinar joining links on the Monday and Thursday the week of a webinar. If you have not received an email from me, it is worth checking your spam. However, I always add the Zoom link directly to the sign up form about 30 minutes before the webinar starts as a backup so please do check there if you cannot find the link.


Webinar Recordings:

If you missed our most recent webinars, you can watch the recordings below. Please feel free to share these with anyone you think might find it useful.

Supporting a transition from food banks to food clubs and reducing dependency on emergency food provision (25th Jan). You can view the recording here.

Culturally appropriate food for food clubs (22nd Feb). You can view the recording here.

Sharing and shaping local authority policy and practice in the prevention of hunger (21st March). You can view the recording here.

Preparing for summer holiday programmes of food and fun (25th April). You can view the recording here.

MaPS Money Guiders Programme (23rd May). You can view the recording here.

Introduction to Bankuet (4th June). You can view a recording of the session here.

The Children’s Kitchen from Feeding Bristol: Engaging Families and Communities with Early Years Settings through Food (13th June). You can view a recording of the session here

Sharing Local Approaches to Increasing Take-Up of Healthy Start (18th July). You can view a recording of the session here.  




Communications Good Practice: Please see the attached document from our partners in the St Helens Food Alliance as an example of great practice of mapping and communicating the local community food provision offer. The wording around the difference between food banks and pantries may be particularly useful to some of you.


Healthy Start Eligibility Consultation: As you know, increasing eligibility for Healthy Start is a key policy area for Feeding Britain and the government is currently running a consultation on eligibility for families who cannot access public funds. The consultation seeks views from the public and workforce on whether eligibility for Healthy Start should be extended to include others who are prevented from accessing public funds due to immigration controls. You can contribute here and this consultation closes at 11:59pm on 23 October 2024.


Talk Learn Do - financial education training for practitioners who work with parents and carers: The Money and Pensions Service Talk Learn Do (TLD) programme is a group session that encourages parents of 3–11-year-olds to talk to their children about money and create opportunities for their children to experience managing it. The programme provides parents with tools, ideas, and fun activities to help include money in everyday conversations and activities. They are offering training for anyone interested in becoming a TLD practitioner.


The training: This two hour, live, virtual practitioner training session will equip you with everything you need to deliver this workshop to parents/carers, including pre learning and a resource pack of materials for delivery to parents/carers. Upcoming training is on Teams on:

Wed 18th Sep 10-12

Mon 7th  Oct 10-12

Wed 23rd  Oct 10-12

These training sessions are designed for practitioners who already deliver, or are likely to deliver workshops/interventions to parents.


If you would like to find out more or sign up for the practitioner training, please email Rose at rose.bray@feedingbritain.org