Free Training Avaliable

16th November

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Workforce Personalised Care

Book onto FREE Personalised Care Institute Accredited Training!

This offer is to anyone employed or a volunteer in the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System.


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Hello, my name is Debs Dulake, and I recently submitted a poem called 'All About Me' to the People’s Poem competition run by Sanofi. I am passionate about the patient voice and personalised care; I have managed many health conditions since birth and at the grand old age of 51 I know what is best for me and all about me! Through the support of working with My Life Choices  and the Personalised Care team, I have grown my confidence to tell my story. The 'competition' was organised to enable patient voices to be heard through the medium of poetry. Out of 149 entries I was one of 4 asked to perform our poem at The Battersea Arts Centre, London to present my poem. I stood on the stage, in front of a live audience, press and cameras, to say my piece. Inspired by the ‘About Me’ form, I felt heard and received great feedback from not only the attendees on the night, but a wider audience through social media and beyond. Never be afraid to tell healthcare professionals exactly what is most important to you, It's ok to ask questions and to take someone with you to appointments. Encourage people you work with to add their voices to mine by joining co-production groups of people with lived experience, such as My Life Choices. Because people who use services can make change happen!

The Power of Poetry - Watch the highlights of the People Poem  

Read Deb’s ‘All About me’ Poem


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Motivational Interviewing run by Et Al - full study day.

  • Friday 26th January 2024
  • Wednesday 13th March 2024

This course is an interactive, light-hearted online, live study day. Delegates interact, participate, and influence the content of the day.

If you spend your life explaining what your service users/patients, should, could, must or need do, then this is the course for you. Motivational interviewing is a style of communication that uses a guiding/reflective style to engage with people, clarify their strengths and aspirations, and utilise their own motivations for change, and promote independence of decision making.

In a nutshell, Motivational Interviewing saves your breath, your time. You will be more effective when it comes to people making decisions about themselves. The feedback we regularly receive is that the approach also helps to avoid burn out. Dates available to book are:

Email with solid fillBook your place

Internet with solid fillFind out more about Et-Al Motivational Interviewing Flyer





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Shared Decision-Making run by Aqua - full study day.

  • 2nd December 2023.

This course covers:

  • Understand the comprehensive model of personalised care, with specific focus on shared decision making.
  • Outline the supporting evidence for shared decision making.
  • Reflect on the challenges and barriers to shared decision making.
  • Recognise the benefits and value of shared decision making.
  • Understand tools and techniques which support shared decision making.
  • Understand how to measure SDM understand the need for change in current practice.
  • Apply their learning through a case study reflection to achieve CPD points.

Email with solid fillBook your place

Internet with solid fillFind out more here



Personalised Care and Support Planning - 3 hours


Dates to be confirmed on a rolling programme.


This course covers:


  • An overview of Personalised Care and Support Planning.
  • How to develop Personalised outcomes with people.
  • Key elements of a person-centred conversation.
  • Skills development and practice for personalised care and support planning conversations


Email with solid fillBook your place

Internet with solid fillFind out more here





Shared Decision Making – 3 hours



Dates to be confirmed on a rolling programme.


The course covers:


  • Overview of Shared Decision-Making Brief introduction to how we make decisions.
  • Brief introduction to health literacy.
  • Key elements of a shared decision-making conversation.
  • Shared decision-making skills and practice.


Email with solid fillBook your place

Internet with solid fillFind out more here