Get Grants Network Newsletter

13th December


We are starting to feel quite Christmassy at Get Grants and are especially looking forward to the Christmas edition of our Virtual Funders Network on Thursday this week – there is still time to join us if you want to meet other fundraisers, spread some Christmas cheer and chat about all things grant fundraising related.


This Network Newsletter looks forward a little to what we have on offer in the new year and will hopefully help you to plan ahead and identify opportunities that will help you maximise your fundraising in 2024. As always, please do forward this e mail on to anyone in your network that you think may be interested, it really helps with our aim to reach and support as many fundraisers and organisations as possible within the charity sector. 


If you have any questions or there is anything that Get Grants can do to help your organisations then please feel free to get in touch.  We really enjoy hearing from our growing network.


Get Grants Upcoming Training Courses and Events:

We have 4 new Masterclasses on offer in the early months of next year, with the first one,  the Case For Support Masterclass on Thursday 18th January.  This month our spotlight gives some more detail on these fantastic new sessions which we know you won’t want to miss!

Spotlight On…. Masterclasses


Case For Support Masterclass – Thursday 18th January, 11am-12pm

As demands on Fundraisers increase, we need our fundraising tools and processes to be as effective, efficient, and simple as possible.  We regularly hear that having a comprehensive Case for Support is important. This is a key document that acts as your ‘bible’ supporting all your fundraising applications and communications.  However, it’s not always clear what goes into making one and how we should be using them.  This Masterclass will demystify why having a case for support is important, how to put one together, and how you can confidently put it into practice across different areas of fundraising.


 5 AI Tools for Fundraisers Masterclass - Tuesday 6th February 2024. 12:30pm – 1:30pm

We have seen a massive interest in AI (Artificial Intelligence) amongst our community of fundraisers. More and more of us are looking to use AI to benefit our fundraising, save time and make our fundraising processes easier.  By popular demand, we are continuing our series of AI Masterclasses!  In our first AI for Fundraisers Masterclass (available on-demand for those who missed it!) we looked at ChatGPT and Google Bard as two AI tools, but there are many other AI tools fundraisers can use to make their donor communications more efficient and effective.  Join us to discover the 5 AI tools every fundraiser should know about, helping demystify AI in fundraising, build your confidence, and learn to use a range of AI tools to maximise your fundraising success!


Cost of Living Fundraising Masterclass - Thursday 29th February 2024, 12.00pm – 1.00pm 

Fundraisers are required to navigate a challenging economic environment. It can often feel like a battle to raise vital funds for our cause and support our communities.  The cost-of-living crisis continues to impact all of us as fundraisers, our organisations, and our beneficiaries and wider communities – particularly those with limited resources.

We have heard of fundraisers facing intense pressure, stress, and financial challenges, and how some organisations are at risk of closure.  When times are hard, it is important to focus on the essentials.  This Masterclass will explore how you can make more strategic decisions within your fundraising, minimise your outgoings, and understand the behaviours and decisions crucial to maintaining (and growing) your organisational income.


Core Costs Masterclass - Thursday 21st March 2024, 11:00am – 12:00pm

The sector is crying out for core costs funding. Fundraisers consistently tell us that core costs are one of their greatest fundraising challenges.  Despite increasing pressure, many fundraisers don’t feel as confident applying to grant funders for core costs and funders’ definitions and willingness to fund core costs can be unclear and vary wildly.  Our Core Costs MASTERCLASS invites you to put everything you know and feel about core costs aside and join us to explore a practical approach to core costs grant fundraising that you can confidently put into practice.

Bid Writing For Charities and Community Groups –

Tuesday 9th January & Tuesday 16th January 2024, 2pm – 4pm

Wednesday 17th January & Wednesday 24th January 2024, 6pm – 8pm

Our Online Bid Writing Course will give you pragmatic support that will improve your ratio of success and motivate you to write further grant applications and proposals with greater confidence. Our course will give you access to our Fundraising expert’s extensive knowledge and advice and is equally useful for novices and people with all levels of experience in fundraising. It will help you increase your organisation income through fundraising and materialise those much-needed projects.

Developing a Fundraising Strategy – Tuesday 9th January & Tuesday 16th January 2024, 9:30am – 12:30pm Across the sector, fundraisers and charity leaders are working to ensure their organisations put themselves in the best possible position to meet the future needs of their beneficiaries. Having diverse income sources that works for you is an essential part of making your organisation stronger, more sustainable, and more resilient.In response to demand from the sector, Get Grants Online Developing a Fundraising Strategy Training Course has been created to give fundraisers the practical skills and knowledge to develop an effective fundraising strategy and increase their organisation’s income and sustainability.


Storytelling for Fundraising - Tuesday 23rd January & Tuesday 30th January 2024, 9:30am – 11:30am. This course is designed to support fundraisers to improve their confidence and success through effective use of storytelling.  Telling stories is a powerful tool that is too often overlooked. Stories are used to engage, inform, persuade, and create connections between people. As a fundraiser, storytelling is a valuable skill that can be used to influence your potential supporters and maximise on your fundraising efforts.  Storytelling skills bring to life your fundraising activities across the communications of your organisation. In this course, you will develop a key skill that will benefit the success of grant fundraising, corporate partnerships, crowdfunding, major donors, legacies, and many more!




Virtual Fundraiser Networking

Thursday 14th December, 1pm – 2pm

Thursday 25th January, 11am – 12pmTuesday

These friendly sessions involve a Get Grants Expert providing an update on the current grant fundraising landscape, before facilitating discussions about how the grant fundraising world continues to change, and what opportunities and challenges this presents to you as fundraisers.


Meet The Funder Events:

Meet the Expert Event: easyfundraising - Tuesday 16th January 2024, 2pm – 3pm


Free Introduction Workshops

Get Grants are continuing our monthly FREE Introduction Workshops during 2024.

Each workshop will be a taster session of one of our training courses led by our fantastic expert trainers themselves and will focus on a different topic of Fundraising. This month we have: 

Introduction to Major Donor Fundraising Workshop - Tuesday 30th January 2024, 12pm – 1pm

Introduction to Trusts and Foundations Fundraising Workshop - Monday 5th February 2024, 10am – 11am


If you have any questions about any of our events or courses or would like to find out anything about the other services we offer then please just get in touch. 

I think that all that remains is for me to wish you and the organisations that you support a very Happy Christmas on behalf of Get Grants.  I look forward to seeing you at a Get Grants event in 2024!

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