Grantfinder - Next Round of Grants for Food for Life Get Togethers Launched

26th January 2022


Next Round of Grants for Food for Life Get Togethers Launched

Using funding from the National Lottery Community Fund, the Soil Association is offering small grants for activities taking place within Plant and Share Month (20 April 2022 to 20 May 2022).
Local not-for-profit groups across the UK can apply for grants of £150 to host a community gathering and bring people together through food growing, cooking and food sharing.

Projects must:
•    Take place within Plant and Share Month.
•    Have potential to be long term.
•    Be community led.
•    Include people from disadvantaged and diverse communities.
•    Reduce experience of loneliness or social isolation.
•    Encourage a positive attitude to ageing and diversity.

Grants can cover food, tools and materials.
Groups will first need to register their Food for Life Get Together on the Soil Association website. They will then receive free resources and information to help plan, run and record the success of their Get Together and to be introduced to the Soil Association teams in their region.
The deadline to apply is 5pm on 22 February 2022

Click here for more information

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