Have your say – 15th March

18th February 



BCVS will be holding a series of focus groups on 15th March to ensure the qualitative Voice of the VCSE sector and the people you support is included in a range of consultations currently taking place across Nottinghamshire.    These include State of the Sector research, Levelling Up, The NCC Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh, engagement in ‘Place’ development within the ICS and more.

We understand everyone is time poor at the moment, however it is critical that the voice of the sector feeds into these areas of work that will shape the funding, policy and support landscape which will directly impact on your organisation and the sector over the coming years.   In recognition of this, due to the time involved, and to support the work of the sector, we have negotiated a donation of a £50 voucher to the charity of your choice for your attendance, this can include your own charity of course.     

The focus groups will take place in a range of slots throughout the day in BCVS main hall to allow for social distancing.    We hope you will be able to join us – please register your interest with admin@bcvs.org.uk and we will be in touch soon with further details.