Have your say to inform the development of a new mental health website for adults

9th September



Local mental health leads would like to understand the current experiences and feedback of people with lived experience, carers, and professionals, with regards to accessing information on adult mental health services, in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. This will help inform the expansion of the NottAlone website, to enable an all-age, single point of access, for mental health information and support in the region and highlight any other avenues for consideration when promoting local mental health services. For further information, please visit: Current and previous engagement & consultations - NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB

How you can get involved

If you are an adult with lived experience, or are a carer or professional, we want to know how you access information for mental health in the region, and what your experience has been like accessing this information online.

There are a number of ways to give us your feedback:

  • You can participate in an online survey here or request a hard copy to complete at your leisure.
  • You can share your views by phone.
  • You can express your interest in joining a virtual focus group.
  • You can request the Engagement Team attend one of your community group meetings.
  • You can express your interest in joining a co-production group to support this work on a more ongoing basis.

If you need a hard copy of the survey, want to share your views over the phone or through a virtual focus group, or you would like us to attend a community group meeting, please contact the Engagement Team via nnicb-nn.engagement@nhs.net or call or text 07818580719. Please get in touch with the Engagement Team should you also like to join the co-production working group. Your contact details will be shared with the mental health leads to enable your ongoing participation as part of the co-production group. 

We need to complete all engagement on this initiative by Friday 21 October 2022.