Healthwatch Derbyshire - “NHS waiting times Survey – research findings”

14th December 2021

hw derb

When the pandemic hit, the NHS had to pause lots of people’s treatment. They’re now working hard to get everyone the care they need, but many people are still waiting.

During September and October, you helped Healthwatch Derbyshire (HWD) support a national survey to learn about the impact of planned care/surgery delays for people in Derbyshire and how they have been coping while they wait.

The number of completed surveys from residents in Derbyshire accounted for approximately 10% of those received, we thank you for your help towards this fantastic response.  The attached briefing gives a clear understanding of how it feels for those who have been or are still waiting for NHS hospital care and treatment.   Please share the briefing or the link below to the summary with your network/members/group who participated.

The next steps for HWD are underway – taking the insight and recommendations from the research to those within the NHS responsible for overseeing planned care for their consideration and response.

Any queries please contact our team on 01773 880786