Hot Weather advice for community groups

14th June


Temperatures are expected to be high this week and whilst many of us look forward to this, high temperatures can be dangerous for some people.

Please look out for people who may be more vulnerable from heat, including the very young, older people and those who find it difficult to alter their behaviour or homes. We have also attached information about any events that may be planned to ensure that you consider the effects of heat in your planning.

Guidance and information can be found here: Beat the heat: staying safe in hot weather - GOV.UK (

Please ensure people are encouraged to:

  • Sign up to the new heat health alerts
  • Be aware of who is at higher risk of heat -related illness and have a plan in place to reduce that risk
  • Consider:
    • access to shade,
    • monitoring for dehydration and ensuring access to fluids – remind people to drink regularly
    • change activities to avoid the hottest times of the day 11am-3pm
    • wearing appropriate clothing when outside – loose fitting clothes to cover up, wide brimmed hat, sunglasses and suncream.
    • Close windows and curtains in rooms that face the sun – open windows when the air is cooler outside than inside and then try to get air flowing through your home​/venue
    • know how to spot the signs of heat exhaustion, dehydration or heatstroke and know what to do


More information on Adverse Weather can be found in the new Adverse and Weather Plan:


See below for more information