Joined Up Care Derbyshire - Opportunities to get involved

7th September


Peer Leadership Programme – Please see attached flyer that gives information about our exciting new Peer Leadership Programme open to everyone. If you can't make the event detailed on the flyer, don't worry, you can join the programme at any time in the next few months, just contact Leni Robson at I believe the email address may have been wrong on the flyer that was distributed before, so if you have tried to get in touch and couldn't, please try again 😊

Patient and Public Partner Opportunities - Patient and public involvement is an essential part of the work of Joined Up Care Derbyshire (JUCD). We want to build strong and supportive relationships with patients, members of the public, and our communities. As part of this, we have developed a new role called Patient and Public Partners.

We are currently looking to recruit Patient and Public Partners to the following areas:

  • The Joint and Community Commissioning team - We are looking to recruit Patient and Public Partners to help inform our work, we think it is important to get different perspectives and insights on the work that we do, particularly from members of the public who have lived experience. Our team covers everything from social prescribing to end-of-life care provision.  See attachment titled 'Patient and Public Partner ICB Role Description'.
  • Patient Safety Partner - The Patient Safety Partner (PSP) is a new and evolving volunteer role developed by NHS England to help improve patient safety across health care in the UK. Here at Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care System (DDICS), we are excited to welcome a team of PSPs to work alongside our staff, patients, and families to influence and improve safety across our Integrated Care System. Please see attached for more information.


See below for more information