Joined Up Care Derbyshire - Reviewing how we use data and intelligence in the system.

8th June



We want to understand how you or your organisation uses health and wellbeing data and intelligence in Derbyshire by completing a survey which can be accessed by clicking this link.

Joined Up Care Derbyshire (JUCD) is currently reviewing how we use data and intelligence in the system. There is going to be a shift to evidence informed decision making and outcome based accountability. To do this we need the right tools in place. The collaboration workstream of the JUCD Strategic Intelligence Group has partnered with Public Health in DCC to review the Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA) website, content and processes. We want to find out if, how and when Derbyshire’s organisations use the data and intelligence contained in the JSNA.

The survey is for you, your colleagues, or anyone else you think uses our JSNA. It should take around 2-20 minutes to complete depending on how much experience you have with the current JSNA. The survey is open until Friday 17th of July. We’d welcome any cascade of this survey to other individuals, teams or groups you think use the JSNA.

The DCC Public Health Team are developing a new platform that will make accessing data and intelligence easier and user friendly. To do this we need to understand how the current JSNA is used and what needs to change. We need your help to do this.

We have two phases of engagement. This stakeholder survey is the first stage of engagement. The second stage is a workshop in July with partners to discuss have more of an in-depth discussion about the JSNA and we will show and test our new platform. If you want to be involved in the workshop you can add your details at the end of the survey.

We’d value any feedback you or your colleagues have and will use this feedback and the workshop to shape a new, better, simpler JSNA that will be truly collaborative. If you have any questions please contact or