Joined up Care Derbyshire - Team Derbyshire Briefings

25th May 2022




A series of briefings have been arranged for all health and care staff who work within Derby and Derbyshire.  The briefings are to inform everyone about the work of Joined Up Care Derbyshire, the local Integrated Care System, discussing local priorities and ways in which you can get involved.

Whichever team you work in, in whichever partner organisation, you're encouraged to join the conversation with local leaders and others, with the sessions aiming to:

  • Describe what an integrated care system (ICS) is
  • Discuss what this means for our population and how it will make a difference to the people you care for or interact with in your service
  • Raise awareness of the work of ICS partners, the role they play and how everything aims to connect
  • Help you see where your service, team or role fits in and where you can get involved
  • Help you get to know the decision-makers in our ICS and understand how you can have greater influence on the agenda


Friday 10th June – Living the life we want to live: a guide to social care

Hosted by Helen Jones, Executive Director of Adult Social Care & Health, Derbyshire County Council & Andy Smith, Strategic Director of People Services, Derby City Council


Register your interest here to receive more information and joining instructions.