JUCD - Opportunities to Get Involved!

8th February



Derbyshire and Derby Dementia Support Services - The Derbyshire Dementia Support Service is currently provided by the Alzheimer’s Society and the Derby City Dementia Support Service is provided by Making Space. Both Services play a key role in delivering the outcomes and objectives highlighted in the Derbyshire Well Pathway for Dementia, Joined up Care Derbyshire – Strategic Vision 2022-2025. To support re-commissioning of these services we are undertaking engagement with both clients/carers and professionals to gather feedback about the support provided. We really want to hear your views about these services to ensure they are supporting in the areas most needed. The surveys should take between 10-15 minutes to complete. The client survey is available here https://forms.office.com/e/JUK7V6RPjN The professionals survey is available here https://forms.office.com/e/yHjvfjhKsY Your time is appreciated and will really help to develop these services going forward.


Cardiac Stewardship Group – This group is looking for people with lived experience in cardiac services (heart failure) to join our Cardiac Stewardship Group and help to improve and transform the Derbyshire-wide Cardiac service. You will be invited to attend various meetings and workshops and will play an instrumental part in any decisions made about this service. For more information, please see the role description attached and please send your expressions of interest to laura.galpin@nhs.net by Friday 24th February 2023.


MSK (Muscle and Joint Problems) Patient and Pubic Partner vacancyThe team are looking to recruit a minimum of two volunteers with lived experience of MSK to provide different perspectives and insights on the work they do. Closing date 28th February 2023. See attached for more information about this vacancy.