23rd March 2022


Here are the latest updates of what is happening with the systems change work in Bolsover District and some information about upcoming opportunities: 


​Developing a Vision  

It became clear during the workshop in January that there was no shared vision for our collective systems change work in Bolsover District. A small group of stakeholders came together to think about this and by going back over what has been heard during conversations, workshops, mapping sessions and  stories, we began to draft a vision to bring back to the rest of you. We have come up with a following statement which we think represents the future the group has described: 

'For every citizen in Bolsover District to have the aspiration to be the best possible version of themselves; stretch what they believe is possible and have access to the right knowledge & support to achieve their ambitions'

I the attached document gives a bit more information about this, includes some of the reasoning and has a few other elements which need to be worked out. 

The goal here is to develop a vision that stakeholders agree with and are committed to. This is a draft at this stage and we would very much welcome feedback to help achieve this goal. Please let me know your thoughts on the vision, if you agree or disagree and suggest any ideas you have to improve it. We do not wish to rush this process and this is very much a start to hopefully agreeing a shared vision. 


Timeline / Communicating Progress

As a Updatrreminder, here is a link to the timeline of the work so far which captures some of the major milestones and includes important documents and information:  


This will continue to be added to and referred back to as and when required. 


May Workshop 

We are in the early stages of planning a coming togther which will hopefully take place in May. This wil hopefully be an opportunity to reconnect in person, agree the shared vision and do some real planning for change. We anticipate this taking approximately half a day. 

It would be really nice to involve the Community & Voluntary Sector in this event, and we are currently looking for potential venues and caterers / food providers. If this is of interest to your organisation or group, or you have any suggestions then please let me know as soon as possible. There will be budget to pay for this so hopefully it can be of benefit to local organisations. 


Making Every Adult Matter

Here is a link to register for an upcoming conference which looks really interesting and relevant to our work: 


The changing landscape for multiple disadvantage Tickets, Wed 30 Mar 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

Over the last five years, much has changed in the landscape around multiple disadvantage. Local activity has grown substantially, with 40 MEAM Approach areas and 12 Fulfilling Lives areas working to change services and systems.

Online Space 

​​We have previously discussed that it would be useful to have an online space to continue with the work between meetings and we should have this in place fairly soon. This will allow us to have conversations, share information and collaborate in a different way. We will provide further details on soon - Update - This is being trialled in Great Yarmouth and will hopefully be used in Bolsover soon. 


Lloyds Bank Foundation Newsletter 

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