Looking for donations of mental health recovery narratives

1st April


The NEON study is building a large collection of people’s stories of how they have recovered from mental health problems. You can read about NEON here: http://researchintorecovery.com/neon and about our collection here: https://researchintorecovery.com/neoncollection. We’re currently providing access to more than 600 stories that we have collected in three clinical trials, which are looking at how they can help others:  https://www.researchintorecovery.com/research/neon/neontrials/

Stories have the power the power to connect, empower, comfort, and provide hope, and we believe that our collection is most helpful if it is diverse. So, we’re looking for new stories that can be added to this collection.

To date, our collection has been assembled with the support of more than 30 organisations, and we’re trying to find people who can help us to share information about NEON, to encourage people to donate stories. People can donate stories through: https://www.researchintorecovery.com/donateastory/