Misterton & West Stockwith village news

27th May 2022


News and diary dates from the villages. One pic for the 3rd Misterton story. Hazel.


Thursday 26 May 2022

Contact: 01427 891376



As part of the village’s celebrations of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Misterton Parish Council is sponsoring a Best-dressed Hat competition. The Queen is rarely seen without a hat or headscarf, so this is a chance to show off local design in headwear! Wear it to the Family Picnic on Sunday 5 June – there’s a prize for the best entry, to be judged by outgoing Chair of Misterton Parish Council, Cllr Peter Marsden.

There’s also a prize for the best Platinum Pudding. The national competition to create a pudding fit for the Queen may have ended, but there’s still a chance to win this local competition. Bring the pudding to the Family Picnic on Sunday 5 June; entries will be judged by Sammy Elsegood, who runs Chalet Girl Catering. 


A Coffee Morning in Misterton Parish Church (Saturday 21 May) raised over £400 for Ukraine, and saw generous donations of medical products for the war-torn country. And an exhibition of works by members of Misterton art group, Brushstrokes, also raised funds for Ukraine. The grand total is expected to be approaching £600. Many thanks to all who supported the event.


An art installation in Misterton Parish Church (Saturday/Sunday 21/22 May) featured the names of 430 women killed by their partners in 2015-17, and 120 pairs of shoes representing those who died in 2018. Misterton art group, Brushstrokes, contributed to the installation, painting 43 canvases, which each had the names of victims (pictured); the installation was first shown at Newcastle Cathedral in 2018. Due to delays caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, the installation was only now brought back to Misterton. With information from Notts Police and Notts Women’s Aid and numerous other organisations working in the field of abuse of women and men, the installation was seen by a steady stream of visitors.


There will be a Civic Service in the Parish Church on Friday 3 June at 10.00am – a service of thanksgiving for the life of the Queen on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of service. The ecumenical service is open to all, and a souvenir Order of Service will be produced.


Bassetlaw Action Centre’s office is open for enquiries from 9.00am to 1.00pm (with an answerphone outside of these times). BAC is continuing to provide:

  • community transport for essential journeys – health appointments and shopping, for example
  • Befriending and Housing Advice services, which are telephone-based
  • the Staying Well Programme (6-week self-management course for people with a long-term condition) will be delivered through Zoom
  • the Get Out Get Active (GOGA) service encourages people to become more active and will continue to offer one-to-one support (but no group activities, unfortunately – they are temporarily suspended)
  • Home Support service – a domiciliary service to help people who are just starting to struggle at home (this is a paid-for service).

 BAC would like to hear from anyone with a few hours to spare, who would like to volunteer to support the Action Centre to deliver essential services to local older and vulnerable people.

 BAC’s priority is to stop the spread of the virus and to encourage people to stay at home, wherever possible. Staff encourage anyone needing any help or at risk of social isolation to contact them on 01777 709650 or by e-mail (enquiries@actioncentre.org.uk) as they are working with a range of key partners to provide help and support where needed. Further information can be found on the website: www.bassetlawactioncentre.org.uk.



Beckingham, Clayworth, Gringley, and West Stockwith parish churches now open daily for private prayer, 10.00am to 4.00pm

Wednesdays & Sundays

Misterton Parish Church is open for private prayer, 10.00am to 4.00pm

Thursday-Sunday 2-5 June

Misterton events for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. See recently-delivered leaflet or Facebook

Sunday 5 June

Holy Communion, Beckingham Parish Church, 11.00am

Wednesday 8 June

Midweek service of Morning Prayer, Misterton Parish Church, 10.00am

Saturday 11 June

Change of date for the Men’s breakfast to avoid the Bank Holiday weekend! Haxey Gate Inn, 10.00am. Chance for chaps to get together to talk about anything and everything!

Wednesday 15 June

Bassetlaw Community Minibus trip to Cusworth Hall, Doncaster, £16 per person. Call 01777 709650 for further information and to book



Thursday 26 May 2022

Contact: 01427 891376



In addition to the two Platinum Jubilee events, West Stockwith Parish Council is holding a Best-dressed House competition. Houses and gardens will be judged over the Bank Holiday weekend – so now’s the time to spruce up the garden and fly the flags in honour of the Queen’s 70 years on the throne!

On Thursday 2 June from 3.30-6.00pm, there’s a celebration tea for the over-65s. By invitation only, there will be a traditional afternoon tea with songs and sketches to commemorate each decade of the Queen’s reign. Invitations were issued by the Parish Council – contact the Clerk (890294) for details. Then, on Saturday 4 June, there’s a family fun day on the Malt Kiln from 11.00am–4.00pm. There will be traditional games, a fancy-dress competition, stalls, music, tombola and raffle, and refreshments. So come along for a good afternoon out!



Beckingham, Clayworth, Gringley, and West Stockwith parish churches now open daily for private prayer, 10.00am to 4.00pm

Wednesdays & Sundays

Misterton Parish Church is open for private prayer, 10.30am to 4.00pm

Thursday 2 June

Platinum Jubilee celebration tea for pensioners. Invitations issued by the Parish Council – contact the Clerk (890294) for details

Saturday 4 June

Platinum Jubilee family fun day, Malt Kiln, 11.00am – 4.00pm. Traditional games, stalls, music, and refreshments

Sunday 5 June

Holy Communion, Misterton Parish Church, 11.00am

Wednesday 8 June

Midweek service of Morning Prayer, Misterton Parish Church, 10.00am

Thursday 9 June

Meeting of West Stockwith Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm with public question session at 7.15pm

Saturday 11 June

Change of date for the Men’s breakfast to avoid the Bank Holiday weekend! Haxey Gate Inn, 10.00am. Chance for chaps to get together to talk about anything and everything!

Wednesday 15 June

Bassetlaw Community Minibus trip to Cusworth Hall, Doncaster, £16 per person. Call 01777 709650 for further information and to book