Misterton & West Stockwith village news

4th May

swallow bridge



Thursday 4 May 2023

Contact: 01427 891376



Local artists – members of Brushstrokes – are exhibiting in Misterton Library until Saturday 3 June. The Library is open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons from 2.00-5.00pm and on the 2nd and 4th Saturday mornings. Artworks include pyrography and marquetry, as well as watercolours and local scenes and still life in acrylics. Some are for sale. Pictured is Swallow Bridge, Misterton, painted by Pam Seymour.


● For one day only, Sunday 4 June, the exhibition moves to West Stockwith Village Hall. Open from 10.00am to 4.00pm, arts and crafts will be on sale – and tea/coffee and cake available all day.



Misterton Parish Church is taking part in a global ecumenical movement that invites Christians around the world to pray in a focused way from Ascension to Pentecost (Thursday 18 to Sunday 28 May). And there’s plenty to pray for! Called Thy Kingdom Come, anyone who would like a prayer said for themselves, or a loved one, or someone or something else, please complete a prayer card that’s available in the Parish Church. A ‘post box’ will be provided in Church between 18 and 28 May. Prayers will be gathered together and included in the morning service of Holy Communion on Sunday 28 May in Misterton at 11.00am.



Misterton Parish Church’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) was held on Monday 24 April. The Annual Accounts and Annual Report were adopted; both are available in Misterton Library or from the Secretary (call 891376). Sue Pearce was elected Churchwarden for the following year and members of the Parochial Church Council and Deanery Synod were elected and officers appointed.



Bassetlaw Action Centre (BAC) is continuing to provide:


  • community transport for essential journeys – health appointments and shopping, for example
  • housing advice services, which are telephone-based primarily but face-to-face appointments are also available
  • a menu of Befriending services – including group befriending, telephone befriending, face to face and peer befriending
  • the Staying Well Programme (6-week self-management course for people with a long-term condition) available both virtually and face to face 
  • Get Out Get Active (GOGA) service encourages people to become more active and will continue to offer one-to-one support
  • home support service – a domiciliary service to help people who are just starting to struggle at home (this is a paid-for service)
  • minibus trips – including the newly launched lunch club trips.


BAC would like to hear from anyone with a few hours to spare, who would like to volunteer to support the Action Centre to deliver essential services to local older and vulnerable people. In particular, they are looking for more local volunteer drivers to help people to get to health appointments and for shopping. Volunteers are paid 45p per mile for every mile they drive on behalf of the scheme.


For further details on any of the above please contact BAC on 01777 709650 or by e-mail (enquiries@actioncentre.org.ukFurther information can be found on the website: www.bassetlawactioncentre.org.uk.




2nd Tuesday each month

Coffee morning, Church Room, 10.30am. Freshly baked goodies—and friendly faces! £2 plus raffle


Wednesday 10 May

Behind the scenes with Chatsworth gardeners, Gringley Community Centre, 7.30pm. Pre-booking only; tickets (£10 inc tea and cake) call Sandra on 07808 480 892


Thursday 11 May

Coffee Morning in the Methodist Hall, 10.00-11.00am. Weekly - all welcome


Mobile community shop, 10.30am – 12 noon, outside the Parish Church


Sunday 14 May

Holy Communion with a visitation by the Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham, Clayworth Parish Church, 11.00am


Tuesday 16 May

Annual Meeting of Misterton Parish Council, Granary Room, Grove Farm, 7.30pm


Wednesday 17 May

Service of Morning Prayer, Church Room, Misterton, 10.00am (note change of venue until Whitsun)


Saturday 20 May

Spring Coffee Morning, Misterton Parish Church, 10.00am to 12 noon. To book a stall, call 891376


Saturday 3 June

Men’s Breakfast, Haxey Gate Inn, 10.00am (not meeting in May due to bank holidays). Call 891376 for information


Saturday 1 July

Misterton Gala, Old School Field, 12 noon to 5.00pm. Entry £3 for adults (accompanied children free); stalls £10. To book a stall, call Nikki on 891629.




Thursday 27 April 2023

Contact: 01427 891376



The Parish Council’s annual litter pick on Tuesday 2 May saw nearly 20 volunteers tackle the village’s ‘grot spots’ and bring in half a dozen bags of rubbish. Many thanks to all who took part – the Parish Council treated volunteers to a buffet in the Village Hall afterwards.



West Stockwith Village Hall is now available for bookings. Since taking over running of the Hall, which was bequeathed to the village by the late Gertrude Morris, the Parish Council has dealt with the Charity Commission, bank, insurers, etc – and is now ready to take bookings. If interested, call the Secretary of the managing committee on (01427) 892033 or e-mail gmhvillagehall.weststockwith@outlook.com


● The Parish Council is inviting residents to be co-opted members of the committee and to get involved in the decision-making and running of the Hall. This is completely separate from Parish Council duties. Expanding the committee will hopefully help to secure a viable future for the Hall. Anyone interested, please contact the Secretary (details above).



Bassetlaw Action Centre (BAC) is continuing to provide:


  • community transport for essential journeys – health appointments and shopping, for example
  • housing advice services, which are telephone-based primarily but face-to-face appointments are also available
  • a menu of Befriending services – including group befriending, telephone befriending, face to face and peer befriending
  • the Staying Well Programme (6-week self-management course for people with a long-term condition) available both virtually and face to face 
  • Get Out Get Active (GOGA) service encourages people to become more active and will continue to offer one-to-one support
  • home support service – a domiciliary service to help people who are just starting to struggle at home (this is a paid-for service)
  • minibus trips – including the newly launched lunch club trips.


BAC would like to hear from anyone with a few hours to spare, who would like to volunteer to support the Action Centre to deliver essential services to local older and vulnerable people. In particular, they are looking for more local volunteer drivers to help people to get to health appointments and for shopping. Volunteers are paid 45p per mile for every mile they drive on behalf of the scheme.


For further details on any of the above please contact BAC on 01777 709650 or by e-mail (enquiries@actioncentre.org.ukFurther information can be found on the website: www.bassetlawactioncentre.org.uk.




2nd Tuesday each month

Coffee morning, Church Room, Misterton, 10.30am. Freshly baked goodies—and friendly faces! £2 plus raffle


Wednesday 10 May

Behind the scenes with Chatsworth gardeners, Gringley Community Centre, 7.30pm. Pre-booking only; tickets (£10 inc tea and cake) call Sandra on 07808 480 892


Thursday 11 May

Coffee Morning in the Methodist Hall, Misterton, 10.00-11.00am. Weekly - all welcome


Mobile community shop, 10.30am – 12 noon, outside the Parish Church


Annual Meeting of West Stockwith Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm


Sunday 14 May

Holy Communion with visitation by the Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham, Clayworth Parish Church, 11.00am


Wednesday 17 May

Service of Morning Prayer, Church Room, Misterton, 10.00am (note change of venue until Whitsun)


Saturday 20 May

Spring Coffee Morning, Misterton Parish Church, 10.00am to 12 noon


Saturday 3 June

Men’s Breakfast, Haxey Gate Inn, 10.00am (not meeting in May due to bank holidays). Call 891376 for information


Sunday 4 June

Exhibition by local artists, Village Hall, 10.00am – 4.00pm. Free entry, arts and crafts on sale, tea/coffee and cake all day


Sunday 9 July

Concert by Lydian Choir, West Stockwith Parish Church, 3.00pm. Tickets £8 incl cream tea. Details of how to book will follow