Misterton & West Stockwith village news

9th June




Thursday 8 June 2023

Contact: 01427 891376



This year’s Gala will be held on Saturday 1 July on the Old School Field behind the Youth Centre and Library from 12 noon to 5.00pm. Attractions this year include live entertainment, a fun dog show, and vintage vehicle display. Then there’s ice cream, bar, coffee, and BBQ all available on the day. Entry is £3 per adult, accompanied children free! Stalls are £10 per pitch – if you’d like one, e-mail mistertongala@gmail.com for details and a booking form. Pictured is a dog show at a previous Gala.



National Grid (National Grid Electricity Transmission, or NGET) proposes putting in a new high-voltage overhead power line between North Humber and High Marnham in

Nottinghamshire. This is one of 17 network upgrades deemed ‘essential’ to meet the Government’s 2030 climate change targets.


The British Energy Security Strategy sets out the Government’s aim to deliver up to 50 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind by 2030 and a five-fold increase in solar by 2035 from 14 GW today. The current network can transport 11.6GW of electricity between the North and the Midlands – enough for nearly 12 million homes. By 2033, this needs to be as much as 29GW. So new lines are needed but NGET is first

increasing the capability of the existing network – upgrading lines and installing power control equipment. But the new power line involves approximately 90km of new 400,000 volt (400kV) overhead electricity transmission line. It is currently due in service in 2031.


The proposed route will pass west of Misterton, then south, west of the line of villages along the edge of the Trent valley (Walkeringham, Beckingham, Sturton le Steeple, North and South Leverton, Treswell and Woodbeck) to pass west of East Drayton, before approaching High Marnham from the north-west.


This is the first round of consultation; there’s more in 2024. There are a number of ways to find out about the proposals:


  • information is in Misterton Library
  • there are consultation events throughout June. The nearest to Misterton is at Gringley Community Centre on Monday 26 June between 1.00-7.00pm
  • there is a programme of webinars. The one relating to the stretch between Graiselound and the Chesterfield Canal is on Saturday 15 July at 10.00am
  • background documents are in the Document Library on the NGET website: nationalgrid.com/nh-hm
  • contact NGET on 0800 051 4430 or by e-mail (contact@nh-hm.nationalgrid.com).



Retford’s next Big Market Day is on Saturday 17 June. There’s a Farmers’ Market and Craft Market as well as the traditional Saturday Market. Entertainment is by Prof Paul Temple’s Punch & Judy show between 10.00am and 1.00pm Anyone wanting a craft stall can benefit from special rates: a half-table and insurance is just £10 – call 077725 768 392 for details and to book or go to Online Business Services at www.bassetlaw.gov.uk



Bassetlaw Action Centre (BAC) is continuing to provide:


  • community transport for essential journeys – health appointments and shopping, for example
  • housing advice services, which are telephone-based primarily but face-to-face appointments are also available
  • a menu of Befriending services – including group befriending, telephone befriending, face to face and peer befriending
  • the Staying Well Programme (6-week self-management course for people with a long-term condition) available both virtually and face to face 
  • Get Out Get Active (GOGA) service encourages people to become more active and will continue to offer one-to-one support
  • home support service – a domiciliary service to help people who are just starting to struggle at home (this is a paid-for service)
  • minibus trips – including the newly launched lunch club trips.


BAC would like to hear from anyone with a few hours to spare, who would like to volunteer to support the Action Centre to deliver essential services to local older and vulnerable people. In particular, BAC is looking for more local volunteer drivers to help people to get to health appointments and for shopping. Volunteers are paid 45p per mile for every mile they drive on behalf of the scheme.


For further details on any of the above please contact BAC on 01777 709650 or by e-mail (enquiries@actioncentre.org.ukFurther information can be found on the website: www.bassetlawactioncentre.org.uk.




2nd Tuesday each month

Coffee morning, Church Room, 10.30am. Freshly baked goodies—and friendly faces! £2 plus raffle


Thursday 15 June

Coffee Morning in the Methodist Hall, 10.00-11.00am. Weekly - all welcome


Mobile community shop, 10.30am – 12 noon, outside the Parish Church


Saturday 17 June

Big Market Day, Retford Market Square and Buttermarket, 8.30am – 2.00pm


Sunday 18 June

Holy Communion & Patronal Festival, Gringley Parish Church, 9.30am


Wednesday 21 June

Book launch, The Sound of Musings, by Rev Bryony Wood, Misterton Parish Church, 10.00am. Refreshments provided


Retford‘s Make Music Day – local musicians providing free entertainment, Market Square, Carolgate, and Library. For more info call Tessa on 01777 472461 or go to www.facebook.com/RetfordMakeMusicDay


Saturday 24/Sunday 25 June

Chesterfield Canal Festival, Staveley Basin S43 3XZ, 10.00am – 5.00pm. For details, e-mail festival@chesterfield-cabal-trust.org.uk, call 01246 477569, or go to www.chesterfield-canal-trust.org.uk


Sunday 25 June

Open Gardens trail organised by Misterton Gardeners Club. Begins at 1 Grovewood Road at 11.00am, £3


Monday 26 June

Concert by mezzo soprano, Kamilla Dunstan, and students, St Mary’s Parish Church, 7.15pm. Tickets (at the door) £10 inc cheese and wine


Thursday 29 June

District Councillor’s surgery, The Misterton Centre, 10.00-11.00am (note change of day/date)


Saturday 1 July

Misterton Gala, Old School Field, 12 noon to 5.00pm. Entry £3 for adults (accompanied children free); stalls £10. To book a stall, call Nikki on 891629 or e-mail mistertongala@gmail.com


Saturday 8 July

Garden Party, 1 Gringley Road, 1.00-4.00pm in aid of Misterton Parish Church’s development plans


Sunday 16 July

Save the date! Healthy Sunday with a range of stalls and activities in Retford Market Square. To book a stall, call (01427) 891376; further details for visitors to follow




Thursday 8 June 2023

Contact: 01427 891376



West Stockwith Parish Church is holding a community garden day, inviting everyone to help tidy the Church’s garden, ready for summer events. The proposed date is the evening of Saturday 8 July at 11.00am, followed by drinks in the newly-tended garden.


The garden is often used as a beautiful backdrop for photographs by couples marrying in the Church (pictured), and for serving refreshments after concerts and other events. If there is a green-fingered volunteer, who would like to help the Church council keep the garden looking lovely on a regular basis, get in touch with the Churchwarden, Stephanie, on 07500 043 842.


● The Lydian Singers concert is on Sunday 9 July at 3.00pm. Tickets are £8, which includes cream teas. The choir is conducted by Susan Hollingworth, who recently entertained the audience in the Parish Church, telling the story of Paddington’s first concert, Albert and the Lion, and items from Façade, with Andrea Jefferies and Caroline Clemmow, pianist.



Bassetlaw Action Centre (BAC) is continuing to provide:


  • community transport for essential journeys – health appointments and shopping, for example
  • housing advice services, which are telephone-based primarily but face-to-face appointments are also available
  • a menu of Befriending services – including group befriending, telephone befriending, face to face and peer befriending
  • the Staying Well Programme (6-week self-management course for people with a long-term condition) available both virtually and face to face 
  • Get Out Get Active (GOGA) service encourages people to become more active and will continue to offer one-to-one support
  • home support service – a domiciliary service to help people who are just starting to struggle at home (this is a paid-for service)
  • minibus trips – including the newly launched lunch club trips.


BAC would like to hear from anyone with a few hours to spare, who would like to volunteer to support the Action Centre to deliver essential services to local older and vulnerable people. In particular, BAC is looking for more local volunteer drivers to help people to get to health appointments and for shopping. Volunteers are paid 45p per mile for every mile they drive on behalf of the scheme.


For further details on any of the above please contact BAC on 01777 709650 or by e-mail (enquiries@actioncentre.org.ukFurther information can be found on the website: www.bassetlawactioncentre.org.uk.




2nd Tuesday each month

Coffee morning, Church Room, Misterton, 10.30am. Freshly baked goodies—and friendly faces! £2 plus raffle


Thursday 8 June

Coffee Morning in the Methodist Hall, Misterton, 10.00-11.00am. Weekly - all welcome


Mobile community shop, 10.30am – 12 noon, outside the Parish Church


Meeting of West Stockwith Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm, with an open session for questions to the Council from 7.15pm


Sunday 11 June

Holy Communion, Gringley Parish Church, 9.30am


Wednesday 14 June

Service of Morning Prayer, Parish Church, Misterton, 10.00am (note change of venue for the summer months)


STEP (West Burton) public information session, Trinity Arts Centre, Gainsborough, 3.00-7.00pm. To find out more and to book, contact communications@step.ukaea.uk


Saturday 17 June

Big Market Day, Retford Market Square and Buttermarket, 8.30am – 2.00pm


Wednesday 21 June

Book launch, The Sound of Musings, by Rev Bryony Wood, Misterton Parish Church, 10.00am. Refreshments provided


Saturday 24/Sunday 25 June

Chesterfield Canal Festival, Staveley Basin S43 3XZ, 10.00am – 5.00pm. For details, e-mail festival@chesterfield-cabal-trust.org.uk, call 01246 477569, or go to www.chesterfield-canal-trust.org.uk


Sunday 25 June

Open Gardens trail organised by Misterton Gardeners Club. Begins at 1 Grovewood Road, Misterton, at 11.00am, £3


Monday 26 June

Concert by mezzo soprano, Kamilla Dunstan, and students, St Mary’s Parish Church, 7.15pm. Tickets (at the door) £10 inc cheese and wine


Thursday 29 June

District Councillor’s surgery, Village Hall, 9.00-9.45am (note change of day/date)


Saturday 1 July

Men’s Breakfast, Haxey Gate Inn, 10.00am (not meeting in May due to bank holidays). Call 891376 for information


Misterton Gala, Old School Field, 12 noon to 5.00pm. Entry £3 for adults (accompanied children free); stalls £10. To book a stall, call Nikki on 891629 or e-mail mistertongala@gmail.com


Sunday 9 July

Concert by Lydian Choir, West Stockwith Parish Church, 3.00pm. Tickets £8 incl cream tea. Details of how to book will follow


Sunday 16 July

Save the date! Healthy Sunday with a range of stalls and activities in Retford Market Square. To book a stall, call (01427) 891376; further details for visitors to follow