Misterton & West Stockwith village news

8th April 2022



Thursday 7 April 2022

Contact: 01427 891376



Parish councillors started refurbishment of Jubilee Garden this month in advance of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June. Pictured are councillors Alex Myers and Nikki Jaggard-Smith, who, with two other members of the Parish Council's Events Working Group, did the work.

There is a beacon to be erected in the central garden, which will feature in the beacon-lighting across the country on Thursday 3 June. This will be followed by a bugle call then singing of a Song for the Commonwealth then the National Anthem. Proceedings start at 9.30pm. Full details of what's planned for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations will be in the next Parish Council's newsletter as well as on the Council's website and Facebook page. The Events team met to finalise plans for the Jubilee celebrations and to progress the Christmas lights switch-on, which will be on the first Friday in December, as is traditional.


Misterton Parish Church will hold its Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) on Monday 16 May at 7.00pm in the Church Room. The first part of the meeting – known as the Vestry Meeting for the election of churchwardens - is open to everyone living in the parish. This is followed by the APCM, which is open to those on the Church’s Electoral Roll. This is a list of people who have been confirmed and support the Church.

At this part of the meeting, lay members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) are elected. An Annual Report on the proceedings of the PCC is presented, the Accounts for 2021 will be approved, and the independent examiner of finances is appointed.

All the necessary forms for joining the Electoral Roll, and standing for election as a Churchwarden and to the PCC, are in Church or can be e-mailed by the PCC Secretary (call 891376).


Misterton Parish Church’s north wall, tower, and bell-frame are in need of repair. So much so that English Heritage has classed the building as ‘at risk’. There is also the opportunity of enhancing the church facilities as part of the project. Parts of the Church date back to the 11th century, with later additions over the centuries.

Some of the exploratory work by surveyors has been done – now the Parochial Church Council (PCC) is convening a Task & Finish group to take this forward and apply for funds to help with the cost of the repair and refurbishment. If there’s a resident with expertise in ancient buildings maintenance, who would be interested in joining the group, please get in touch with Rick Brand, Vice-chair of the PCC, who is leading the group. He can be contacted on 891376 or by e-mail: rickbrand@hotmail.com.


Bassetlaw Action Centre’s office is open for enquiries from 9.00am to 1.00pm (with an answerphone outside of these times). BAC is continuing to provide:

  • community transport for essential journeys – health appointments and shopping, for example
  • Befriending and Housing Advice services, which are telephone-based
  • the Staying Well Programme (6-week self-management course for people with a long-term condition) will be delivered through Zoom
  • the Get Out Get Active (GOGA) service encourages people to become more active and will continue to offer one-to-one support (but no group activities, unfortunately – they are temporarily suspended)
  • Home Support service – a domiciliary service to help people who are just starting to struggle at home (this is a paid-for service).

 BAC would like to hear from anyone with a few hours to spare, who would like to volunteer to support the Action Centre to deliver essential services to local older and vulnerable people.

 BAC’s priority is to stop the spread of the virus and to encourage people to stay at home, wherever possible. Staff encourage anyone needing any help or at risk of social isolation to contact them on 01777 709650 or by e-mail (enquiries@actioncentre.org.uk) as they are working with a range of key partners to provide help and support where needed. Further information can be found on the website: www.bassetlawactioncentre.org.uk.



Clayworth, Gringley, and West Stockwith parish churches now open daily for private prayer, 10.00am to 4.00pm

Wednesdays & Sundays

Misterton Parish Church is open for private prayer, 10.30am to 4.00pm


Beckingham Parish Church open for private prayer, 10.30am – 3.30pm

Sunday 17 April

Easter Day - Holy Communion, Gringley Parish Church, 9.30am

Wednesday 20 April

Midweek service of Morning Prayer, Misterton Parish Church, 10.00am

Saturday 23 April

Misterton Bowls Club’s open day, Sports Field, 2.00-4.00pm

Friday 29 April

District Cllr Hazel Brand’s surgery, The Misterton Centre, 10.00-11.00am. By appointment only – ring 890646

Tuesday 3 May

Misterton Gardeners Club re-starts, Church Room, Church Lane, Misterton, 7.00pm. Speaker on container gardening

Saturday 7 May

Men’s breakfast, Haxey Gate Inn, 10.00am. Chance for chaps to get together to talk about anything and everything!

Sunday 8 May

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration concert, West Stockwith Parish Church, 2.00pm. Tickets £6 (£3 for under-16s) include a cream tea and available at the door or call 07500 043 842 to book

Thursday 12 May

Bassetlaw Community Minibus trip to Walkers Nursery in Blaxton, £15 per person. Call 01777 709650 for further information and to book

Saturday 21 May

Coffee Morning in aid of Ukraine, Misterton Parish Church, 10.00am – 12 noon

Saturday/Sunday 21/22 May

Art exhibition, Church Room, Church Lane, Misterton, 10.00am – 4.00pm. Original art by local artists for sale, refreshments, raffle, free admission and parking



Thursday 7 April 2022

Contact: 01427 891376


Bassetlaw Action Centre (BAC) has published its Spring programme of minibus trips. Beginning in May, BAC will be providing a new service to take residents out for lunch at various local cafes, restaurants, and pubs. BAC will provide the transport and residents order and pay for their food. Anyone interested should join the scheme:  contact the office on 01777 709650. Because of the leap in fuel prices, the prices for day trips have been reviewed. The increase has been kept as low as possible to just cover costs and keep the service going. The first trip is to Walkers Nursery in Blaxton on Thursday 12 May when the cost is £15 per person.


The village’s Annual Church Meeting is on Tuesday 3 May at 6.30pm in the Parish Church. This is a chance for residents to hear what the Parish Church has achieved during the year. Elections will take place for churchwardens and members of the Parochial Church Council. To vote, residents must be on the Church’s Electoral Roll. Application forms for the Electoral Roll, etc are now in the Parish Church.



Clayworth, Gringley, and West Stockwith parish churches now open daily for private prayer, 10.00am to 4.00pm

Wednesdays & Sundays

Misterton Parish Church is open for private prayer, 10.30am to 4.00pm


Beckingham Parish Church open for private prayer, 10.30am – 3.30pm

Sunday 17 April

Easter Day - Holy Communion, Gringley Parish Church, 9.30am

Wednesday 20 April

Midweek service of Morning Prayer, Misterton Parish Church, 10.00am

Saturday 23 April

Misterton Bowls Club’s open day, Sports Field, 2.00-4.00pm

Friday 29 April

District Cllr Hazel Brand’s surgery, Village Hall, 9.00-9.45am. By appointment only – ring 890646

Saturday 7 May

Men’s breakfast, Haxey Gate Inn, 10.00am. Chance for chaps to get together to talk about anything and everything!

Sunday 8 May

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration concert, West Stockwith Parish Church, 2.00pm. Tickets £6 (£3 for under-16s) include a cream tea and available at the door or call 07500 043 842 to book

Thursday 12 May

Bassetlaw Community Minibus trip to Walkers Nursery in Blaxton, £15 per person. Call 01777 709650 for further information and to book